
Digial Software Customer FAQ

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What is Digial Software's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Digial Software customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I use digital software on different operating systems?

Yes, digital software can be used on different operating systems. Most software developers offer versions compatible with various operating...
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What is digital software and how does it differ from physical software?

Digital software refers to computer programs or applications that are designed to run on electronic devices such as computers, smartphones,...


Can digital software be used on multiple devices?

Yes, digital software can typically be used on multiple devices. Most digital software is designed to be compatible with various platforms,...

Can I use digital software on different operating systems?

Yes, digital software can be used on different operating systems. Most software developers offer versions compatible with various operating...

System Requirements

What are the system requirements for using digital software?

The system requirements for using digital software may vary depending on the specific software. Generally, users need a compatible...

Internet Connection

Do I need an internet connection to use digital software?

Yes, in most cases, an internet connection is required to use digital software. While some software may have offline functionality,...


Can digital software be updated?

Yes, digital software can be easily updated. One of the key advantages of digital software is the ability to release updates and enhancements,...

Trial Version

Is there a trial version available for digital software?

Yes, there is a trial version available for our digital software. We understand the importance of trying out software before making...

Refund Policy

What is the refund policy for digital software purchases?

Our refund policy for digital software purchases is as follows: Once the software has been downloaded or the license key has been activated,...

Technical Support

Is technical support provided for digital software?

Yes, technical support is provided for digital software. At our company, we understand that customers may encounter technical issues...

Sharing Restrictions

Are there any limitations on sharing or reselling digital software?

Yes, there are often limitations on sharing or reselling digital software. These limitations are typically outlined in the End User...

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