
Digg.com Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Digg.com's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Digg.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I access Digg from my mobile device?

Yes, you can access Digg from your mobile device. Digg provides a mobile app that is available for both iOS and Android platforms....
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Content Sharing

What types of content can I share on Digg?

On Digg, you can share a wide range of content to engage with the community and discover interesting topics. From articles and blog...

Are there any restrictions on the content that can be posted on Digg?

Yes, there are certain restrictions on the content that can be posted on Digg. Digg maintains a strict set of guidelines to ensure...

Profile Customization

Can I customize the layout and design of my Digg profile?

Yes, you can customize the layout and design of your Digg profile. Digg offers various options for personalization. You can choose...

Story Management

Is it possible to edit or delete a story I submitted on Digg?

Yes, it is possible to edit or delete a story that you have submitted on Digg. To edit a story, you can simply log in to your Digg If you wish to delete a story that you have submitted, you can also do so by logging in to your Digg account and locating the story. Next to the story, you will find an option to delete it. Once deleted, the story will no longer appear on Digg. However, keep in mind that the story may still be accessible through search engine caches or external websites that have linked to it....

Digg Score

What is the Digg score and how is it determined?

The Digg score is a metric used on Digg.com to measure the popularity and relevance of a story or article. It is determined based on...

Promotion Guidelines

What are Digg's guidelines for promoting content to the homepage?

Digg's guidelines for promoting content to the homepage prioritize originality, quality, and relevance. To increase the chances of...

Mobile Access

Can I access Digg from my mobile device?

Yes, you can access Digg from your mobile device. Digg provides a mobile app that is available for both iOS and Android platforms....

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