
DeVry University Customer FAQ

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What is DeVry University's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to DeVry University customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What is the student-faculty ratio at DeVry University?

At DeVry University, we pride ourselves on providing our students with a supportive and engaging learning environment. Our student-faculty...
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What programs and degrees does DeVry University offer?

DeVry University offers a wide range of programs and degrees to cater to various career aspirations. Students can choose among associate,...


How long does it take to complete a degree at DeVry University?

The time required to complete a degree at DeVry University varies depending on multiple factors, including the program chosen and the...


Is DeVry University accredited?

Yes, DeVry University is accredited. Accreditation is crucial for students to ensure that the education they receive meets high-quality...

Institution Type

Is DeVry University a for-profit or non-profit institution?

DeVry University is a for-profit institution. As a for-profit university, it operates with the primary goal of generating profit for...


What is the tuition cost at DeVry University?

The tuition cost at DeVry University varies depending on the specific program and location. Since DeVry offers a wide range of degree...

Financial Aid

Are financial aid and scholarships available at DeVry University?

Yes, financial aid and scholarships are available at DeVry University. The university understands the importance of affordability and...

Online Courses

Does DeVry University offer online courses?

Yes, DeVry University does offer online courses. As a higher education institution, DeVry understands the importance of providing flexible...

Credit Transfer

Can I transfer credits from another institution to DeVry University?

Yes, DeVry University allows students to transfer credits from other accredited institutions. To begin the transfer process, students...

Career Services

What resources are available for career services at DeVry University?

DeVry University offers a comprehensive range of resources to support students' career services needs. The Career Services department...


Are there any internship or co-op opportunities for students at DeVry University?

Yes, DeVry University provides numerous internship and co-op opportunities for its students. These opportunities allow students to...

GPA Requirement

Is there a minimum GPA requirement to maintain at DeVry University?

Yes, DeVry University has a minimum GPA requirement that students must maintain. The specific requirement varies depending on the student's...

Student-Faculty Ratio

What is the student-faculty ratio at DeVry University?

At DeVry University, we pride ourselves on providing our students with a supportive and engaging learning environment. Our student-faculty...

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