How does a central vacuum system work?

Asked 10 months ago
A central vacuum system works by utilizing a motorized power unit typically installed in a basement, garage, or storage area. This power unit creates suction and airflow through a network of pipes installed within the walls of a building. These pipes are connected to strategically placed inlets throughout the premises, usually hidden under baseboards or in closets. When the user inserts a lightweight hose into an inlet and turns on the system, the motorized power unit activates, creating a powerful suction force. This force pulls the dirt, dust, and debris through the hose and into the network of pipes, where it is accumulated in the power unit's dirt collection canister or bag. The system's exhaust vents outside, preventing recirculation of pollutants. This efficient setup provides consistent suction power throughout the building, making cleaning easier and more effective.
Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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