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Do battery-operated candles come with a warranty?

Yes, battery-operated candles purchased from come with a warranty. We stand by the quality of our products...
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What is the lifespan of battery-operated candles?

The lifespan of battery-operated candles varies depending on several factors. On average, a battery-operated candle can last anywhere...


Are battery-operated candles safe to use around children and pets?

Yes, battery-operated candles are safe to use around children and pets. Unlike traditional candles that pose a fire hazard, battery-operated...


What types of batteries do battery-operated candles require?

Battery-operated candles typically require either AA or AAA batteries. The specific type of battery needed depends on the size and...

Outdoor Use

Can battery-operated candles be used outdoors?

Yes, battery-operated candles can be used outdoors. Unlike traditional candles, battery-operated candles are designed to be safe for...


Do battery-operated candles flicker like real candles?

Yes, battery-operated candles are designed to mimic the soothing flickering effect of real candles. Our high-quality LED candles are...

Brightness Adjustment

Can I adjust the brightness of a battery-operated candle?

Yes, you can adjust the brightness of a battery-operated candle. Many battery-operated candles come with adjustable brightness settings...

Battery Life

How long do battery-operated candles typically last on one set of batteries?

Battery-operated candles typically last anywhere from 100 to 500 hours on one set of batteries, depending on various factors. Generally,...

Heat Production

Do battery-operated candles produce any heat?

No, battery-operated candles do not produce any heat. Unlike traditional wax candles that burn and emit both light and heat, battery-operated...


Can battery-operated candles be used in candleholders?

Yes, battery-operated candles can be used in candleholders. They are designed to fit into standard-sized candleholders, allowing you...


Are battery-operated candles scent-free?

Yes, battery-operated candles are typically scent-free. These candles are designed to mimic the gentle glow of a real flame without...


Do battery-operated candles come with a warranty?

Yes, battery-operated candles purchased from come with a warranty. We stand by the quality of our products...

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