The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Verizon Repair customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported May 29, 2018 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I'm Milt Simmons, and I'm reaching out about some issues with our home phone line. Recently, we've noticed static on our line and callers seeing our number as "Terminix." I've been working with Verizon customer support, and while the first technician attempted to address the static, they recommended involving a copper wire specialist for further help. Despite a scheduled technician visit getting delayed, I contacted Verizon to follow up and shared additional details about the issue. It seems our number may have been linked to someone else previously, leading to confusion for callers. I believe that Verizon should have ensured the number was clear before assigning it to us. We've had numerous calls for someone else named James Simon in the past, and we suspect he may have used our number as a contact for various purposes. I'm eager to provide further information via email, including details from my sister that could be helpful in resolving this matter. Thank you for your support. Milt Simmons (for Milt and Di)
Reported by GetHuman-miltandd on الثلاثاء ٢٩ مايو ٢٠١٨ ٠٣:٠٩
I am John Caputo, contacting on behalf of Susan Matelich regarding a recent service call made to 8 Wildwood Circle, Latchmont, New York. The service department was at our property two weeks ago to repair a cable issue. They discovered the need to run a new line, which had to be extended above ground due to the original underground conduit being located at the back of the house. The cable currently goes through the garage and connects to an existing refrigerant line. A technician advised us to bury the line in an extended conduit for proper installation.
We kindly request a technician to visit and disconnect the line so we can install an extended conduit from the rear of the house to the garage. Once this is done, we would need the technician to reconnect the cable. For further communication, please reach me on my cell phone or via email provided.
Thank you.
John Caputo
Reported by GetHuman-woodston on الثلاثاء ١٠ يوليو ٢٠١٨ ١٢:٣٩
We recently moved into a new home in Plainview, NY at 11 Eileen Ave, Plainview, NY [redacted]. The power lines and communication wires in the backyard are dangerously low, easily reachable by hand, posing a risk especially with two young kids around. The poles are leaning significantly toward our property. I believe rerouting the wires to run along the back of the property and installing new poles with higher cables would be a safer solution. We have initiated contact with PSEG Long Island, who indicated that the poles are owned by Verizon. They are willing to coordinate with Verizon to address this issue. Contact number: [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman915402 on الأربعاء ٢٥ يوليو ٢٠١٨ ١٤:٣٠
On July 5th, at 2:04 pm, while at work, I received a text from my tenant. They reported that a Verizon truck with NY plate 41746MJ intruded on my property, damaging the fence, house, and the truck's front windshield with a fire escape ladder. The incident was not acknowledged by the truck's occupants, and attempts to contact Verizon have been unsuccessful. I discovered a closed trouble ticket online without any resolution. I am now seeking an inspection of the fire escape to ensure its safety and realignment of the damaged ladder. Additionally, I require repairs for the broken fence. Please reach out to arrange this urgently.
Thank you,
Peter Culen
42 College Ave
Sleepy Hollow
New York, [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman939197 on الأربعاء ١ أغسطس ٢٠١٨ ١٨:٠٠
A workman accidentally cut our line, and the repair service scheduled a visit between now and Friday. I have a serious illness and rely on a home alert call button tied to the phone service. I need it fixed promptly as I currently have no internet access for emails. Update: Service is restored, but there's a loud hum on a couple of phones. The building codes officer is concerned about exposed wires near our planned addition.
Reported by GetHuman-nlhorton on الثلاثاء ٧ أغسطس ٢٠١٨ ١٤:٢٠
This is my 7th report regarding the dangerously low hanging Verizon junction box over the sidewalk in front of my house. The issue has persisted since late May [redacted], and despite multiple reports, Verizon has not taken any action. They have provided false promises, given me the run-around, and even claimed they don't service Georgia. The box hangs low enough for pedestrians to potentially swing from it, with only a clip preventing it from falling and causing harm to individuals or cars parked nearby. This poses a severe safety risk that could lead to liability for Verizon if left unaddressed. My address is 34 Peachtree Circle NE, Atlanta, GA [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman967995 on الأربعاء ٨ أغسطس ٢٠١٨ ٢٠:١٨
My copper residential landline has been out of service since February [redacted]. Technicians confirmed the issue is outside the building, in the street. An open ticket was created for the street crew to repair the line. However, communication with Verizon support has been challenging. Each time we inquire about the repair, another month is added to the expected date. It has now been 6 months, which is concerning as we rely on the landline for emergency communication, especially for our elderly parents. We have been loyal Verizon customers for over 25 years, and this extended delay is frustrating. In the past, a similar issue was resolved in about a month, so the current situation is baffling. We urgently need this line back in operation.
Reported by GetHuman970981 on الخميس ٩ أغسطس ٢٠١٨ ١٥:١١
I had to move out of my house due to water damage repairs. After several months away, I always kept my DT number, [redacted], active in the house. Two months ago, I removed the phone due to ongoing work in the area but maintained the service. No calls were made during this time. Upon moving back in on August 1st, I realized I had no DT service. After contacting repair services, I was informed that the copper line in the area was no longer viable and I needed to switch to fiber. However, there seemed to be confusion as the copper line was working up to the CO. Despite various communication with reps and technicians, my main telephone line, [redacted], has not been restored, while my second line, [redacted], is working on FiOS. I urgently need to have my first line back in service.
Reported by GetHuman-pauljc on الخميس ٩ أغسطس ٢٠١٨ ١٦:٢٢
I am a new customer with your phone service since July and transferred my number to my new address. However, I have been unable to use my phone as there is no dial tone. Verizon confirmed the connection but mentioned no issues. The building manager explained that despite activation in the switching box, the tech must still coordinate with the building's phone room to match pairs for my room. My address is [redacted] Professional Court Hagerstown, Md. [redacted], Room [redacted]. The tech can contact the building manager at [redacted] to arrange this. Additionally, please verify if I have been billed for the service. Thank you for your prompt assistance in resolving my phone problem.
Reported by GetHuman990489 on الثلاثاء ١٤ أغسطس ٢٠١٨ ١٥:٠٨
I reside at [redacted] Liberty Street Apt. B in Grove City, Pennsylvania. There is a pole broken in half across the street. According to Grove City Electric, it is your pole that needs attention. The pole has been in this state since Friday, September 14th, posing a danger of falling and causing harm to someone. Despite being reported by Grove City Electric, the pole remains unfixed. I also reported a lack of Verizon internet service on Friday. An appointment is scheduled for Thursday with order number PACWO2OEA. However, I believe the issue is related to the defective pole. Kindly cancel the order. The safety hazard from the pole is concerning, and I am willing to advocate for anyone injured by it. I request a discount on my bill for the four days without internet, potentially more until the pole is repaired. - Cindy S. H.
Reported by GetHuman-chooks on الثلاثاء ١٨ سبتمبر ٢٠١٨ ١٩:٤٩
Good morning, I am in need of assistance. My phone number is [redacted] and I reside at [redacted] Eureka Road, Edinboro, Pennsylvania [redacted]. Yesterday evening around 6 pm, our Verizon landline stopped working completely with no dial tone. I checked the outside wire and tested the interface box with our corded phone, still no dial tone. My neighbors experienced the same issue. When I contacted Verizon's repair number from my cell phone, the automated system was unhelpful and disconnected the call. Although my neighbors have had their service restored by 8 pm, we are still without a dial tone at 6 am today. It seems to be a problem with the Verizon trunk line. Please assist me in restoring our phone service. Thank you, Hugh C., account #: [redacted]-[redacted]-76.
Reported by GetHuman-hcrandal on الخميس ٢٥ أكتوبر ٢٠١٨ ١٠:٤٦
Over two years ago, a fatal accident occurred in Honey Brook Township, PA, resulting in a sheared pole on Cambridge Road near the Park Road intersection. The incident left the pole split into two parts, with one section still partially embedded in the ground. Following the accident, Verizon replaced the damaged pole, transferring the non-electric utilities. Recently, PPL transferred the electric lines to the new pole and removed the bracing. However, the lower half of the old pole remains roped to the non-electric lines. Despite contacting PPL, they indicated that it is Verizon's responsibility to remove the remaining section of the pole. After contacting Verizon on 10/24 and receiving assurances of an inspection and feedback the following day, the issue still persists. The old pole half is currently standing upright, roped to the telephone and cable lines. When will Verizon address this situation?
Reported by GetHuman-tlaffert on الأربعاء ١٤ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ ١٨:٤٤
Over two years ago, there was a tragic accident that caused a pole to shear in Honey Brook Township, PA, on Cambridge Road, approximately [redacted] yards east of the Park Road intersection. The incident left the pole in two pieces, with a large section embedded in the ground and another portion stabilized by utility wires. Responders used ropes to brace and stabilize the damaged pole by attaching it to a nearby tree.
After months, Verizon installed a new pole and transferred non-electric utilities. PPL later transferred the electric lines and removed the temporary bracing, leaving the damaged pole attached to the non-electric lines. However, the crew only sawed off the upper half of the old pole, leaving the lower half upright with the jagged sheared section exposed.
Despite contacting PPL and Verizon, the lower half of the old pole still remains roped to the telephone/cable lines, with the sheared section untouched. Verizon indicated that they are responsible for removing the remnants of the old pole after an inspection was promised but not completed yet.
Reported by GetHuman-tlaffert on الأربعاء ١٤ نوفمبر ٢٠١٨ ١٨:٤٧
I received a text stating "Your Verizon repair request is resolved," but this is incorrect. I have three lines, with one being connected to a fire alarm for the Cape May Fire Company, and I am still receiving alarm signals. This issue has persisted for a week and a half, with three cancelled appointments and no resolution. I was informed of a new appointment on Monday 12/31 from 8 - 12, the fourth scheduled appointment after previous ones were closed by Verizon. If the lines have been fixed, I have not been notified, and I am at risk of violating fire code regulations if the problem persists past Monday. I will need to involve the Cape May Fire Department due to the ongoing chirping in the system. Verizon mentioned an outage, but no one has inspected the box on my block yet. Please urgently contact me at [redacted]. This is an emergency situation.
Reported by GetHuman1853917 on السبت ٢٩ ديسمبر ٢٠١٨ ٠٢:٠٣
I am calling regarding the landline at [redacted]. The phone has been out for 24 hours or more in an area with old copper wires. Most residents are elderly, and there is no cell service. I am concerned about my brother's welfare as this is his landline. Please resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you. (I have been on hold for over two hours and am considering contacting the PUC).
Reported by GetHuman-distump on الأحد ٢٤ مارس ٢٠١٩ ٢١:٣٧
Last night, I contacted a Verizon live chat representative. The conversation was lengthy, and I would prefer to switch back to Verizon's phone service. My name is Henry O'Hara residing at [redacted] E. 104th St - Apt 8H, NY, NY 10[redacted]. You can reach me at [redacted] TTY. Please use dial [redacted] for our communication.
The wall phone jack in my residence is too weak for my phone to function properly. I believe replacing the wall phone jack will solve this issue. I used Spectrum's Sorenson videophone before, where the phone connected to the modem's phone line instead of the wall phone jack, which is a newer technology. I am hesitant to connect the phone line jack to the modem, as I find it suspicious.
Please schedule an appointment to assess the old Verizon wall phone jack in my home. You can reach me at [redacted]. Use dial [redacted] for an interpreter/operator to facilitate our conversation.
Reported by GetHuman-oharahen on السبت ٣٠ مارس ٢٠١٩ ١٣:١٦
Yesterday, May 1st, I discovered my landline phone only had static when I tried to use it. After checking all the connections inside and outside to no avail, I have determined the issue is on your end. Today, on May 2nd, I am reaching out to you from a local library since I have no phone service at home. This inconvenience has disrupted my plans, including wishing my sister a Happy Birthday. I am quite frustrated and hope this matter is resolved promptly. I will not be home until the evening, so if a technician is scheduled to come, please be mindful of the landscaping near the box. I will be at the library for a short while before running errands and will check back later for updates.
Reported by GetHuman-tautungi on الخميس ٢ مايو ٢٠١٩ ١٧:٤٣
I have been a Verizon landline customer for over 28 years and have experienced recurring issues with my service. Yesterday, on 1-13-19, my phone completely stopped working. After contacting Verizon, I was informed that it would take a week to fix. When I went to check the outdoor box with a butter knife, as I have done before, I found no dial tone and only static. The repairman was scheduled to come the next day. The service at my location on 68 Penn St., Bunola, PA [redacted] is provided from a vault behind the fire station. Despite the repairman attempting to fix the card in the vault, my phone line still had static. When I tried to reach out to the Verizon tech who called me, the line was scratchy, and I was abruptly disconnected. Despite numerous attempts, I was unable to get through to Verizon, and the issue persists. As a long-time loyal customer, paying $66 a month, I am disappointed in the ongoing problems with my landline service and the lack of satisfactory resolution.
Reported by GetHuman-mabwwjd on الثلاثاء ١٤ مايو ٢٠١٩ ١٩:٥٤
One of the Verizon lines entering my house is hanging too low, just about 9 feet off the ground at the edge of our property and not much higher where it crosses the street. I think it might be the business line, which I disconnected a couple of months ago ([redacted]) after a technician fixed multiple breaks in an old copper line. If it's this line, it should probably be removed soon since we've started building an addition, and the wire is causing issues with our equipment. If it's the residential fios line ([redacted]) for TV, phone, and internet, then it may just need some slack adjusted.
Discontinued line: [redacted]
Residential fios line: [redacted]
Address: [redacted] Prospect Street, Hingham, MA [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman-jnbabson on الخميس ١٦ مايو ٢٠١٩ ١٩:٤٨
We are trying to assist our elderly friend in getting her landline service repaired by Verizon. This would be our third attempt contacting Verizon, but we found your website as an alternative. Can you offer assistance? Verizon initially made her wait 5 days for a service appointment which they didn't fulfill. After another call, they scheduled someone yesterday who also didn't show up or inform us, leaving our friend without service. This situation is critical as our friend has health concerns. How can we resolve this effectively when Verizon seems indifferent? I would appreciate advice before escalating this matter to the BBB or Attorney General's Office. I will make one final effort for service before taking that step.
Reported by GetHuman2938461 on الجمعة ١٧ مايو ٢٠١٩ ١١:٤٠