Tend.com Customer Service Issues
Archive 1
The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Tend.com customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 3 issue(s) reported December 18, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I was referred to TEND by a friend and started working with Insta Work on September 12, [redacted]. Recently finished a gig at Shutterfly on September 14. I applied for positions at Enchant Christmas in Scottsdale but remain unscheduled, showing "Pending." I encountered issues with the Everee app while trying to input my bank information for direct deposits. Despite following the password reset process, I did not receive any communication.
I am unsure how to submit my resume and highlight my skills for the positions I have worked. Differences in the app interface between me and my friend have caused confusion. I am approved and applied but show as pending/not scheduled. I seek clarification on my scheduling status and prompt resolution of these issues.
I have been provided a contact number for assistance, but I am unsure if it is functional. I am unable to locate how to address problems within the TEND app. Any guidance and swift responses to resolve these matters would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-oujidawg on domenica 18 dicembre 2022 07:35
Hello, I'm Brandy M. I'm experiencing an issue with my account showing a balance that I don't have. It's not reflecting a payment that was sent out, and I'm unable to access the app to resolve this problem. I need to correct this promptly as I require the funds to pay a bill. Any assistance in addressing this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8564281 on lunedì 14 agosto 2023 21:25
My name is Brandy M. and I'm experiencing an issue with my account. It seems like there's an error showing that I have a balance when I actually don't. The app is not displaying the correct balance I expect and this is preventing me from accessing the funds that were already sent out to me. I'm puzzled because my debit card doesn't reflect this amount. I urgently need to resolve this matter as I need the funds to pay a bill. Unfortunately, the app is not functioning properly to let me address this discrepancy. I'm unsure of what steps to take next. You can reach me at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman8564281 on lunedì 14 agosto 2023 21:26
Help me with my Tend.com issue