Oregon Health Plan Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Oregon Health Plan customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 7 issue(s) reported August 23, 2016 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
My 13-year-old daughter survived a traumatic experience and needs to access counseling services. The Center she wants to go to does not accept healthshare but does accept Family Care. I previously contacted them to switch, but only my information was updated, not hers. I am following up to ensure that she is enrolled correctly to start her counseling sessions. The incident occurred in April, and she has been struggling without support. I appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Reported by GetHuman-rarejewe on Selasa, 23 Ogos 2016 pukul 13.14
I received a notice in the mail yesterday, informing me that my children's insurance will be terminated on September 30 due to the lack of returned verification. I assume they are referring to the renewal form, which I have not yet received. This same issue occurred last year, leaving my kids without coverage for a period. I have a couple of weeks to resolve this before the coverage is lost again. Despite regularly checking my mail, I did not receive any renewal reminders or forms, just this abrupt termination notice. The frustrating part is waiting on hold for nearly two hours to speak with someone. This system desperately requires some upgrades.
Reported by GetHuman1134603 on Rabu, 12 September 2018 pukul 19.44
Hello, I was disconnected after being on hold for 65 minutes. I called regarding Isabella Welin, ID# SR200Y0O, born 05/28/[redacted]. I am Michelle Welin, her mother. My husband and I have marketplace coverage. I received a letter requesting more household income information due on Feb 3, [redacted], which I sent out on Jan 31, [redacted]. I just got a letter saying Isabella was denied coverage as verification was not received by the due date. I'd like assistance on how to proceed. Enduring high-pitched music on hold for over an hour was tough and getting disconnected was disappointing. I appreciate any help. Thank you, Michelle Welin.
Reported by GetHuman-mwelin on Selasa, 12 Februari 2019 pukul 17.55
I am currently experiencing delays in obtaining a referral to see a pulmonologist for my COPD. Despite requesting necessary tests for my lung disease, local pulmonologists have been unwilling to assist me. After an unsatisfactory encounter in Eugene, I am seeking a more attentive pulmonologist in Portland. However, my referral request is under review and has been pending for up to 14 days. This extended timeframe is concerning as there are urgent developments in my condition that require immediate attention. The lack of prompt access to a qualified pulmonologist is frustrating, especially when facing worsening lung issues. I am dissatisfied with the delay and the possibility of my request being denied. If unresolved, I am considering engaging the media to highlight the challenges faced by patients in accessing timely healthcare services.
Reported by GetHuman-nyski on Jumaat, 30 Ogos 2019 pukul 19.53
I'm struggling to find a pulmonologist in my area who believes additional tests are necessary for my COPD. I've exhausted the local options and am now seeking a specialist in a larger city like Portland. Despite trying Eugene, I was met with an unwelcoming response, further delaying my care by 14 days for a decision. I've visited the ER multiple times, but the standard X-rays aren't providing the detailed information I need. My primary care provider has advised seeing a pulmonologist, but the process is dragging on. I'm frustrated and concerned about my deteriorating lung health. I require prompt and thorough medical attention, which I believe is being delayed. Your assistance in connecting me with a pulmonologist for immediate care is crucial. This disease is life-threatening, and proper monitoring is essential. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman-nyski on Jumaat, 30 Ogos 2019 pukul 20.00
I am experiencing difficulty obtaining a referral to see a new pulmonologist for my pending gall bladder surgery, which is vital due to my lung disease. Unfortunately, I am facing challenges in obtaining this referral because my primary care doctor refuses to issue one following a disagreement with my previous pulmonologist. This situation has left me feeling helpless and without access to the necessary healthcare for my serious lung condition. I urgently need this issue to be resolved so I can receive the proper care I require to avoid any potential life-threatening consequences. Thank you, N. Atkins.
Reported by GetHuman-nyski on Jumaat, 6 September 2019 pukul 18.17
I received a letter from OHP instructing me to schedule an interview, possibly due to my transition from Medicaid to Medicare. I have been attempting to reach them for the past few days using a prepaid phone. Despite calling promptly at 8 a.m., I have endured long hold times, even up to a couple of hours, before running out of minutes without any success. The congestion on the appointment line is incredibly frustrating and unlike anything I have experienced with other service providers.
Reported by GetHuman6815230 on Selasa, 16 November 2021 pukul 22.18

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