Nabisco, Inc. Customer Service Issues

Archive 6

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Nabisco, Inc. customer service, archive #6. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported June 15, 2020 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I opened a new individual pack of Chips Ahoy cookies (which typically contains 4 cookies) and discovered that one of the cookies had a bite taken out of it. This must have occurred during the manufacturing process because the package was sealed, and it was inside a sealed box of additional cookie packs, ruling out any tampering at the grocery store. This is concerning as it implies someone at the plant had their mouth on the cookie before it was packed, posing a sanitation and health risk. The affected cookie was among the bottom 2 in the pack, which I realized after eating the other 2. I have photos for verification. It's clear this wasn't just a broken cookie. I hope you address this issue promptly as I have always enjoyed your cookies, but this incident has made me question your sanitary practices.
Reported by GetHuman4953681 on الإثنين ١٥ يونيو ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٣٢
As dedicated consumers of your various brands like Chips Ahoy, Oreo, and Ritz Crackers, we were disappointed to learn of your decision to support BLM. We believe this group is not aligned with the values we hold dear and will no longer be purchasing your products. We encourage you to research BLM further to understand why many share our concerns. Recent comments made by the BLM president referring to white people have only validated our decision to boycott your products until you reconsider your support. J & R Janowski
Reported by GetHuman-rjanowsk on الجمعة ١٧ يوليو ٢٠٢٠ ٠٣:٢٩
I was shocked to see the ad during 'Everybody Loves Raymond' reruns. It depicted two toddlers kissing. I believe pushing any agenda, especially regarding sexual orientation, is inappropriate. I am not a religious person but don't condone imposing beliefs through ads. This move by Nabisco/Kraft is unacceptable. While I support the LGBTQ community, I do not agree with ads pushing any agenda. I will boycott their products until they stop. The ad agency should be replaced. We, the mainstream consumers, will not tolerate this. I will spread the word and urge others to boycott as well. It's important to respect diverse views and not force any agenda. Nabisco/Kraft should reconsider this strategy before more consumers react negatively.
Reported by GetHuman-billgott on الثلاثاء ١١ أغسطس ٢٠٢٠ ٠٦:١٩
Hello. I have noticed various Oreo flavors online that I haven't found in stores, despite not living in a remote area. I am eager to try these interesting flavors like root beer float, cherry cola, jelly donut, and waffles. My family enjoys the double stuffed Oreos, and I also have a sweet spot for them. Flavors like watermelon and pumpkin spice caught my eye. Please advise how I can obtain these unique and delightful Oreo variations. I have been a loyal fan of the brand for a long time, as Oreos hold sentimental value for me from childhood. Thank you - Anna
Reported by GetHuman-anna_sud on الثلاثاء ٨ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٢:٣٩
I really enjoy Handi-Snacks Premium cheese and breadstick packs, but I have noticed some quality control problems recently. Several packs have arrived with missing sticks or crushed breadsticks. While I can forgive some breakage due to shipping, consistently receiving packs with fewer than the usual 8 sticks is concerning. I don't recall experiencing these issues when the Handi-Snacks were in cracker form, which adds to my disappointment.
Reported by GetHuman-megaf on الأربعاء ٩ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٢٤
I have been purchasing Ritz Crackers for most of my life, which considering I'm 78, is quite a long time. However, last week I bought a family size box and found that half of the crackers in one column had peanut butter on them. I never buy products with peanut butter due to my grandson's severe peanut allergy. He trusts my house to be a safe place where he can eat anything as I am vigilant about checking labels. Finding peanut butter on the crackers was disappointing and has shaken my confidence in your product. I will be switching to a different brand and will avoid Nabisco products in the future.
Reported by GetHuman5250305 on الخميس ١٠ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٧:٠٤
My father only eats Ritz crackers with peanut butter, specifically made by hand by me. Despite his preference, I do it because he's 82 and has dementia, so I take care of him while juggling a full-time job. I recently tried crunchy peanut butter with the crackers, and my dad loved it, finding the taste addictive. He asked me to suggest to you the possibility of making Ritz crackers with Crunchy peanut butter. Although he might still prefer handmade ones, I wanted to share this idea with you. Thank you for your time and for producing such a great product.
Reported by GetHuman5260401 on الإثنين ١٤ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٢:٢١
I disposed of the Nabisco products I had outside by stomping on them. My family has decided not to purchase any more Nabisco items. I am disappointed that the company supports certain protestors. I believe in law and order and do not support the Black Lives Matter movement. It is frustrating to see companies like Nabisco aligning with causes that I do not agree with. I will be vocal about my decision to stop buying from Nabisco.
Reported by GetHuman-gsneed on الخميس ١٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٤:٠٥
Our family enjoys DoubleStuf Oreos, which are usually a household staple. Although I hadn't bought any since March, I purchased a family size pack recently. When my boys immediately indulged in them, I decided to have one too. Much to my dismay, upon the first bite, I noticed a significant change. The cream was not the same as before - it was too soft, overly sweet, and had an inconsistent texture causing it to ooze out. Unlike the usual firm cream that allows for easy handling and even removal, the current batch does not hold up. Despite storing Oreos at room temperature as usual, the disappointing quality stood out. I sincerely hope that there has not been a recipe alteration as this particular experience might deter us from future purchases. Interestingly, Trader Joe's version outshines this recent batch, which leaves us wondering what has happened to our beloved cookie. Your prompt clarification would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Teri.
Reported by GetHuman-tbenelli on الأحد ٢٧ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٩:٥٠
Subject: Concern about Discontinued Nabisco Chocolate Wafers Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the discontinuation of the Famous Nabisco Chocolate Wafers. I have heard that the reason for this decision was due to not meeting your quality standards. As a long-time customer who frequently uses these cookies, particularly in making your cookie cake, I believe that despite the product being challenging to find and slightly expensive, it is a valuable item worth continuing. There is a noticeable absence of a suitable alternative for creating the cake - while a pie crust may suffice, it cannot adequately replace the cake. In terms of quality, I have observed an improvement compared to when the cookies were excessively thin and prone to breaking easily. I urge you to reconsider bringing back these cookies to the market. It would be a loss for many families who cherish these treats, as there is simply no equivalent substitute available. Sincerely, T.S.
Reported by GetHuman5399021 on السبت ٢٤ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٣:٤٥
I am struggling to find Cheese Nips in Greenville, Ohio. Kroger, Dollar General, Walmart, and Eikenberry IGA do not carry them. I used to be a Nabisco salesman and have enjoyed Cheese Nips since their launch. It seems like Cheez-It has taken over the market while Cheese Nips are disappearing. The snack cracker selection is dwindling, while Cheez-It dominates the shelves. It's disappointing to see the decline of Nabisco, a once-premier cracker company. My children grew up on Oreos, and I wonder what has happened to the brand I used to know and love.
Reported by GetHuman5420996 on السبت ٣١ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٦:٤٧
Dear team, Two decades ago, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, and my first concern was what to spread my homemade apple butter on without Premium Saltines. Your crackers have set the standard, but the absence of a Gluten-Free version is a missed opportunity. Your reputation for quality is unmatched, but the absence of a Gluten-Free variety is disappointing. As an avid consumer, I urge you to consider expanding your product line to cater to those with gluten sensitivities. My wife excels in creating gluten-free baked goods like cakes and pancakes, however, recreating crackers is your realm. I look forward to the day when I can enjoy your exceptional crackers again. Thank you, Moses Gingerich Sarasota, FL
Reported by GetHuman-wamoe on الأحد ٢٢ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٢٢:٤٣
Hello, I am curious about the availability of Famous Chocolate wafers. They seem to be in high demand and are being resold at inflated prices on platforms like Amazon and eBay. I heard rumors that they have been discontinued, which is concerning as they are a cherished tradition in many households, especially during these isolating times when comfort food is so important. The icebox cake made with these wafers holds sentimental value for generations in my family. Living in Ct., I have not been able to find them in any local stores. Any information on whether they will be restocked would be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Gail C.
Reported by GetHuman-pinecabi on الثلاثاء ١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٠:٤٥
I bought 2 cans of Nabisco Easy Cheese Cheddar to jazz up Ritz crackers for Thanksgiving. However, both cans had trouble dispensing the cheese, leading to plain-looking crackers and extra time spent slicing cheese. I have photos showing the issue, but I'm not sure if I can attach them here. Thanks, Michael Dake.
Reported by GetHuman-lovetheo on الثلاثاء ١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٢:٢٩
Hello, I would like to inquire if Nabisco is still producing red velvet Oreos. Due to limited mobility caused by a physical disability, I rely on friends and online searches to check for availability in stores near Summers County, WV. I enjoy using these Oreos to make red velvet Oreo balls, a delicious treat especially during Christmas. While I can find regular Oreos and lemon Oreos in stores, the red velvet flavor adds variety to my baking. Apart from Summers County, WV, I can also explore options in Raleigh or Mercer County. Thank you, JD
Reported by GetHuman-jeckdrak on الثلاثاء ١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٩:٣٧
I have a concern regarding your advertising. I recently discovered that you will be collaborating with Lady Gaga. Due to her endorsement of the presidential candidate Joe Biden, I have decided to boycott Oriole cookies and all Nabisco products. I will also encourage my 8 adult children to join me in this boycott and ask them to spread the word to their friends, potentially reaching up to 50 people quickly. We believe in supporting those who share our beliefs and putting pressure on those who do not. Therefore, we will carefully monitor the endorsements of your products, particularly by liberal figures like Lady Gaga who vocally support Biden, to inform our purchasing decisions. My family and friends will stand in solidarity by boycotting all Nabisco products in response to these associations.
Reported by GetHuman5515223 on الأربعاء ٢ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٢٢:٢٠
I no longer support Nabisco products. The recent advertisement featuring a gay couple was offensive to me. I believe in live and let live, but I do not want this kind of content pushed on my family. I have checked all Nabisco items and decided not to buy any of them in the future. That's it for me.
Reported by GetHuman5517239 on الخميس ٣ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٤:٤٨
I have been a loyal customer of your Chocolate Water Cookies for many years and have generally been satisfied with the quality. Recently, however, I have noticed a decline in the cookies' durability. They seem to break and crumble much more easily than before. It's disappointing to receive boxes with more broken cookies than whole ones, and even the intact ones break upon the slightest touch. I'm curious if there have been any changes to the recipe or processing of the cookies. I hope these issues can be addressed as I would like to continue purchasing them without concerns about their fragility affecting their usability. Thank you. - G.B.
Reported by GetHuman5533652 on الثلاثاء ٨ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ١٥:٤٤
Hello! I wanted to share a heartwarming message from my friend Shelley Curto on her Facebook page. In light of recent controversies, she has decided to support brands like #OREOs and #RitzCrackers that promote inclusivity and acceptance. Shelley is planning to donate these snacks to a charity in Dubuque, Iowa, called #ResourcesUnite to help those in need. She is encouraging others to join her in donating to spread positivity and support for the homeless and LGBTQ+ community. It's heartening to see her dedication to making a difference and promoting a message of love and acceptance. Together, let's show kindness and compassion to those around us.
Reported by GetHuman5539599 on الخميس ١٠ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٦:٢٩
My spouse and I have always been devoted Nabisco supporters and enjoy their products regularly. Lately, we noticed a new TV ad from Nabisco showcasing a same-sex couple. We belong to a group of more traditional individuals who believe that the representation of the LGBTQ+ community in media is disproportionate to their actual numbers in the US population. We are uncomfortable with this frequent portrayal and are contemplating discontinuing our use of Nabisco items due to this reason.
Reported by GetHuman-rpclemon on الجمعة ١١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ ٠٢:١٠

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