Dept of Child & Families, Access Florida Customer Service Issues

Archive 5

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Dept of Child & Families, Access Florida customer service, archive #5. It includes a selection of 20 issue(s) reported July 22, 2022 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
To whom it may concern, I recently re-certified for my food stamps over a month ago. I received my phone interview via mail, completed it, and was asked to download my last two pay stubs on my access account. Even though I uploaded the required documents twice, my account still shows "verification needed." I have been trying to contact the office daily, waiting for hours on hold, but haven't been able to get through for assistance. I am feeling discouraged and desperate as I rely on these benefits to make ends meet. I truly need help to resolve this issue and appreciate any assistance. Just an update, I was able to finally get through to someone.
Reported by GetHuman7657718 on Freitag, 22. Juli 2022 21:20
When I log into my Access Florida account, it incorrectly shows a share of cost for Medicaid even though it should not have one. My OBGYN is having trouble verifying my insurance due to the wrong information displayed on the Medicaid website, such as my maiden last name and old address. Despite numerous calls to fix this issue, my OBGYN keeps encountering the same problem where the correct Medicaid ID is replaced by a different one showing a share of cost. This situation is urgent as I have * weeks left until my due date and several upcoming appointments that require insurance coverage. Both the Department of Children and Families and Medicaid are directing me to each other to resolve this confusion, with one side requiring the other to fix the problem. It's frustrating that different departments have difficulty locating my information consistently.
Reported by GetHuman7644205 on Montag, 25. Juli 2022 13:35
As a Bridge Case Manager at The Neighborhood Center in DeLand, Florida, I have been trying to contact customer service for over two weeks about our clients' cases. The customer service hotline provided on the website keeps putting us in a loop that asks for clients' social security numbers. We have waited on hold for up to three hours with no resolution. One client was denied benefits due to a "no phone interview" reason, but every call leads to dead ends with automated messages. After two weeks, we still haven't spoken to a live person. Our clients, who are dealing with homelessness and food insecurity, rely on the SNAP program for help in times of financial crisis. I'm seeking assistance to support my clients during this difficult period.
Reported by GetHuman7669437 on Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2022 13:05
I am reaching out for help with my food stamp application. I have three children to feed and very little income. After submitting my income verification, my application was denied due to issues with legibility and delays caused by late paperwork. Despite my boss resubmitting the proof of income, there has been no response. My family also recently tested positive for COVID-19, making it challenging to seek additional assistance. I have been a recipient since [redacted], with no significant changes, and finding it difficult to understand why my application was denied this time. The staff at the office have been unhelpful and rude, adding to the frustration of the situation. I feel unheard and unsure of what steps to take next to ensure my children are fed.
Reported by GetHuman7670350 on Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2022 17:45
In [redacted], I had Medicaid with my daughter, but due to personal struggles, I lost custody of her. I maintained my insurance and received food stamps for a few months until a court document stated her father had custody. Fast forward to now, after my ex-fiance's passing, I now have custody of my daughter. I have been clean for almost 8 months and am working at a restaurant. I applied for Medicaid and food stamps for us but received a notice that more information is needed. I am concerned about scheduling the required phone interview as I work during the day. I have documentation like her birth certificate with her father's information, his death certificate, and her social security card. I had Medicaid and food stamps for her when she was younger too. I am wondering how I can arrange the phone interview and what documents they might request. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7701048 on Samstag, 6. August 2022 06:54
I have tried to renew multiple times, once online and once through a representative at DCF. However, I cannot find my renewal online, and it states that verification is needed. Despite going through the process, my information remains outdated. I have been unable to reach anyone as every call results in a message stating all customer service representatives are busy.
Reported by GetHuman7710026 on Dienstag, 9. August 2022 18:03
I started an application for food stamps but didn't finish it. Now, I tried to create a new account but it says one already exists with that information. I can't remember my username or case number, and I broke the phone linked to the original application and lost access to the email for resetting my password. I want to create a new account with a new email address, as I can't access the old one. I've tried calling customer service but been on hold for over 2 hours multiple times. I can't find an email address for customer service. I'm stuck on what to do next.
Reported by GetHuman7742378 on Sonntag, 21. August 2022 02:34
My elderly mother, R. Portocarrero, case number #[redacted], recently had her SNAP benefits account closed due to not returning her application renewal form on time. After noticing the issue, I submitted a renewal application online for her on July 26th. I have checked the Access Florida website today and found that her account status is still closed. I kindly request a review of this situation to understand what further steps are required to reinstate her benefits. You can reach me, L. Portocarrero, at [redacted] or contact me via email, as I am now managing her administrative tasks. I eagerly anticipate your response to guide us through the next steps.
Reported by GetHuman7745899 on Montag, 22. August 2022 15:15
I reapplied for food stamps but missed my phone interview due to being hospitalized. I reapplied again after being discharged and had the interview two weeks ago. I have not received my food stamps yet. Missing the interview was due to my hospitalization, and I really need assistance with food as I've lost weight while being ill. I will appreciate it if my food stamps for this month could be expedited. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7755745 on Donnerstag, 25. August 2022 18:36
I have been attempting to reach out to the team for more than two weeks. I lost my job on August 5th and updated all my information at the beginning of the month, but I haven't received any communication from them. I requested changes to my food stamps and applied for TANF due to my job loss, but I have had to redo the applications without any response. The phone system directs me to a message saying all representatives are busy before hanging up, leaving me unable to speak to anyone. This has been very frustrating as I'm actively seeking employment with no income. I'm hopeful for a prompt response and improvements to the phone system to assist individuals like myself.
Reported by GetHuman7759249 on Freitag, 26. August 2022 23:19
I am in the process of renewing my food stamps through Access Florida. Upon checking my benefits page, I noticed they are asking for technical information to be verified. However, I never received a notice regarding this request. I have attempted to contact customer service to inquire about the missing information, but unfortunately, I have been unable to reach a representative. The automated message keeps stating that all reps are busy. This has been happening consistently for the past four days despite my efforts to call at various times. I could really use some assistance with this issue!
Reported by GetHuman7795102 on Freitag, 9. September 2022 15:09
For nearly two years, I have been struggling with my Access Florida online account. Every time I attempt to log in, a blank page appears with only my name and access number in tiny letters at the top. This leaves me reliant on calling customer service, which is a challenging task. Recently, there was an unexpected change in my benefits, reducing my food stamps from $[redacted] to $[redacted] due to an erroneous increase in my disability income. Despite numerous attempts speaking to supervisors and managers, the issue remains unresolved. As a disabled individual with responsibilities, including caring for my disabled son and managing medical appointments, I find it challenging to spend hours on hold with unresponsive customer service. The lack of efficiency and empathy from Access Florida is not only frustrating but has left me struggling to access essential benefits. The past renewal process took two months to reflect accurately, causing further inconvenience without any reimbursement.
Reported by GetHuman7824418 on Mittwoch, 21. September 2022 06:31
I applied for food stamps and was told I was eligible. Despite completing the required phone interview the next day, due to Hurricane Ian, they said phone interviews were not needed. However, I still haven't received my food stamps. When recertifying, I needed my son's last four paycheck stubs, which I couldn't obtain because he moved out. I provided this detail to the department on time. Even so, they made me start a new application, claiming I didn't submit the requested information. I have been struggling without food stamps for two months, and my family is suffering. It seems unlikely I will receive the benefits for the past two months due to these complications. I am reaching out for assistance desperately. Additionally, amidst all this, I am unable to reach anyone or proceed with the interview due to the hurricane. Please, can someone help me resolve this situation?
Reported by GetHuman7896898 on Freitag, 21. Oktober 2022 22:01
Due to Hurricane Ian, I flew to NY with my family because we have a one-year-old. I missed my recertification which was due in September. I was then stranded in NY due to Fort Amber Airport's closure. I am now back home and filed my renewal immediately. I also applied for Ian's food assistance for the food we lost. It is October 26th, and I have not received either benefits yet, making it difficult for my one-year-old. I live off SSA and can't spend it on food, as I have rent and utilities to pay. I have been trying to reach the DCF helpline for days, holding for hours with no luck. I live in FL, so I am also a victim of Ian. Can someone please update me on my case? If possible, please call me at [redacted]. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7907354 on Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2022 18:46
I am in an emergency with my two young children, ages 3 and 6. I needed to register for work registration to be exempt from the cash assistance process while working with a case manager at a DV shelter. I finished this task right after 5 o'clock on a Friday afternoon, but Career Source was closed. I have informed the Career Source supervisor via email, but since it was a few minutes after closing time, I am reaching out for assistance to expedite the process. I hope they can access the system to confirm completion and expedite the cash assistance. The exemption should apply due to my circumstances working with the DV shelter case management. I am urgently seeking help for my children and would greatly appreciate if this could be looked into promptly so I can have it resolved before tomorrow. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman7916238 on Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2022 22:56
I applied for food stamps in September 13, [redacted] (Case: [redacted]) after losing my job in August 24, [redacted], due to having no income. Even though I followed all the necessary steps and went to the Dept of Families in Tampa FL at [redacted] N Florida Ave, Tampa, FL [redacted], I recently received an online letter denying my Food Assistance for September through December. The reason stated was that my income is too high for the program and that they did not receive proof of earned income. However, I clearly indicated in my application that my last day of work was on August 24, [redacted], and I have no current income. Despite explaining this during my phone interview, my application was still denied. I have been struggling to reach a human representative over the phone, and after waiting for hours, my calls get disconnected. I urgently need assistance with this matter. William E Stuckey III
Reported by GetHuman-deanappl on Donnerstag, 3. November 2022 16:22
I am feeling very upset and overwhelmed. Our family has been through a lot lately with a recent loss and the impact of a hurricane. Due to these challenges, I had to reapply for food stamps. Despite providing all the required details promptly, it took exactly one month minus a day for my application to be marked as complete. Being a homeschooling parent, I stay home to care for my children, especially during the pandemic. I have been trying to work from home to make ends meet. After repeatedly reaching out to my case worker through messages and faxing the required information with proof of delivery, I received a denial letter today stating I did not provide the necessary information. This is devastating as my five boys rely on this assistance. The denial for three months is heart-wrenching. I hope someone can assist me promptly. My case number is [redacted], name is Apryl C Hubler, and my date of birth is 04/02/[redacted]. Thank you for your help.
Reported by GetHuman-aprylhub on Samstag, 5. November 2022 12:49
I am deeply upset. Our family is struggling after a recent loss and the hurricane caused us to lose all our food. Just yesterday, almost a month after applying, my food assistance status changed from pending to complete. However, today I found out that I was denied assistance for the next three months because they claimed I didn't send the required information. I sent the information via fax at Office Depot and have proof it was received. Despite leaving multiple messages for the case worker, my case remained pending. Due to the hurricane, we used up all our emergency supplies over the past month while waiting for assistance. With five boys to feed and the added stress of homeschooling due to COVID, I am struggling to keep up. I desperately need help with food assistance as I am already overwhelmed with my current workload. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Reported by GetHuman-aprylhub on Samstag, 5. November 2022 16:52
I am a parent trying to understand my rights regarding my daughter's custody. At age three, she was placed in her father's care, and the Department of Children and Families (DCF) refuses to share any details about her situation, claiming I have no rights. Unfortunately, over time, her condition has worsened, and recently she stopped speaking because her father had to undergo surgery and left her with a nurse. Despite her disabilities and lack of basic care, she remains with her father. These challenges have exacerbated my existing health issues, leading to disability due to seizures. It is unsettling that DCF allows me, a disabled individual, to live alone with a man listed as her adoptive parent for financial motives. Now, at 22, DCF plans to close her case. I am seeking advice on how to proceed in this distressing situation.
Reported by GetHuman-edithplu on Freitag, 11. November 2022 16:06
I see in my account that the application status is showing as "pended", but I'm not sure what that means. It has been close to a month since I applied, and I have not received any updates from the agency. Despite entering my application number correctly multiple times, the virtual chat bot claims it is invalid. I am currently facing housing insecurity, and the nearest food pantry is a two-hour walk from my location. I am seeking clarification on why I have not received any communication from the agency regarding my application status or if I have been approved. Unfortunately, none of the customer service numbers seem to be operational, so I am unable to reach out for assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-hdlgam on Montag, 14. November 2022 15:06

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