Credit Karma Customer Service Issues

Archive 29

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Credit Karma customer service, archive #29. It includes a selection of 18 issue(s) reported August 2, 2023 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I am writing to address my Capital One account, ending in [redacted]. For identification purposes, my Social Security Number is [redacted]-52-[redacted]. When I applied for the account, I was assured that my credit score wouldn't be impacted. However, my Credit Karma report shows a 27-point decrease due to a hard inquiry from Capital One. I contacted a Capital One representative who provided me with the Experian number, but my attempts to resolve this have been unsuccessful. I find this misleading and unfair as the application explicitly stated that my credit score would remain unaffected. Can this issue be resolved? I appreciate any assistance with this matter. Thank you in advance. - LM
Reported by GetHuman8541017 on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 5:55 PM
My child's father, Kara A. Henderson, has fraudulently used my identity. He opened a Credit Karma account and obtained credit cards and loans in my name without authorization. Additionally, he linked his email to mine, preventing me from receiving important emails from the government. I have contacted him asking to cease these actions and release control of my identity.
Reported by GetHuman-watttsun on Friday, August 18, 2023 5:18 PM
I have been attempting to contact Credit Karma regarding a notification I received about a negative report on my account, despite having a perfect payment history. It has been a few years since I last used Credit Karma and I have forgotten my password. I requested assistance online, but I am not receiving the verification code they are attempting to send. I am not very tech-savvy at 79 years old. Could someone please call me at [redacted] to assist me? Recently, we experienced fraud and had to replace our debit and credit cards due to unauthorized transactions on our stolen identity. My email was compromised, so I kindly request not to be contacted through email. Please reach out to me via phone at [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman-hapeatla on Monday, August 21, 2023 3:36 PM
I require additional details regarding a mortgage loan on my report. It was not me, as I have been a victim of fraud in the past. My brother misused my card, put property in my name, and took out a mortgage loan without my knowledge. By the time he confessed, the statute of limitations had expired. I have never received any credit reports in the mail as my brother had connections at the post office and within the attorney general's office. I seek further information regarding the mortgage loan listed on my Credit Karma report for [redacted].
Reported by GetHuman8582289 on Thursday, August 24, 2023 7:01 PM
I'm experiencing problems with my account. It seems like the password needs to be reset. The email linked to my account is unfamiliar to me, causing an error when I try to open it. I've been unable to resolve this issue or contact support. I could either delete the account entirely or seek assistance, but there's no available contact number. This lack of support is frustrating as I can't resolve my issue with Credit Karma. Thank you and have a good day.
Reported by GetHuman8589065 on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 12:08 AM
I am attempting to apply for a Discover Card with 0% interest for 18 months. However, when I try to access the application page through the offered link, I receive an error message stating that the page is currently unavailable. The message suggests contacting Discover directly. Does this mean that I am unable to apply for the card through the Credit Karma app for Discover? I prefer the 18 months of interest-free balance transfers over the 15 months offered directly by Discover. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8609002 on Thursday, September 7, 2023 8:03 PM
I attempted to respond to your email with verified credit card details, but the system did not allow me to select my Home Depot card, which matches the information you provided. Unfortunately, I encountered difficulties as I am not proficient with computers and struggle to navigate them effectively. It is frustrating that I cannot find human support, similar to the limited assistance provided by Google. Despite my challenges, I value your free service. However, it is challenging to improve my credit score when technology frequently fails me.
Reported by GetHuman-mmmmohr on Thursday, September 14, 2023 4:06 AM
Hello, my name is Stephanie Lauren Barrentine, but I prefer Lauren. I am experiencing difficulties logging into my account. I have tried multiple email addresses and various combinations of my first and last name, but I still receive an error message stating incorrect credentials. I am unable to create an account to view my credit information. I attempted to use Credit Sesame, but encountered issues there as well. I need to resolve this problem so that I can access my credit details and apply for a credit card to improve my credit score.
Reported by GetHuman8652920 on Saturday, October 7, 2023 6:05 PM
Hello, I encountered an issue while trying to verify my identity during the account creation process. After attempting to enter the verification code sent to my phone, the system requested a picture of my driver's license. I explored the options briefly, then returned to attempt to resend the code. Unfortunately, my account is now locked. Is there an alternative method to verify my identity without uploading a photo of my driver's license? And could you please assist in unlocking my account?
Reported by GetHuman8654116 on Sunday, October 8, 2023 9:08 PM
My Credit Karma account has been compromised. Recently, my grandson accessed my account and changed the password and phone number to his own. I found out when I received an email from CreditKarma about my credit score increase. Thankfully, I was able to get back in through the email. My daughter and I were reviewing the new score changes, and upon logging off, we realized we couldn't log back in. The security phone number had been changed to my grandson's number. My current contact information is only my email: [redacted] I am concerned about my identity because someone, likely my grandson, attempted to open a Paypal Mastercard and succeeded in opening a Chime bank account, redirecting my Social Security benefits. I need to regain access to my account, update the phone and address, or consider closing the account altogether. Please advise on the best course of action via email at [redacted]
Reported by GetHuman8655147 on Monday, October 9, 2023 5:49 PM
My credit scores have remained stagnant despite my diligent credit card payments. I have confirmed with all my credit card issuers that I have no outstanding balances and have paid off all my cards. However, my credit scores on your platform have not shown any improvement. I am concerned about this discrepancy and would appreciate assistance in understanding why my scores are not increasing. How can you help me improve my scores and ensure they accurately reflect my financial responsibility? Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your guidance.
Reported by GetHuman8668134 on Friday, October 20, 2023 8:12 PM
In [redacted], I went through bankruptcy, which should no longer impact my credit score. Surprisingly, my current rate is lower than post-bankruptcy. I wonder if the credit score you provide considers the 7-year limitation on bankruptcy. Additionally, I recently closed three credit cards and do not plan to open new accounts. Could this decision be impacting my score negatively? I believe that individuals who close cards should receive positive recognition, not face repercussions such as my current score below [redacted]. Please advise me on this situation, but please refrain from recommending that I open new credit cards. Thank you.
Reported by GetHuman8675690 on Friday, October 27, 2023 2:21 PM
I'm unsure if you can offer any assistance, but recently, I received a text message from Credit Karma with a one-time code to access my credit report. By the time I saw the message, the code had already expired. I did not request a code, so I am puzzled as to why I received it. I am concerned that someone may be attempting to obtain my information. Why would I receive such a message if I did not request it? Thank you, Cheryl S.
Reported by GetHuman8688162 on Monday, November 6, 2023 9:15 PM
Initially, I set up a username and password, which was supposed to be suitable. After submitting a photo of my Oregon ID, I didn't receive further instructions. Later, I was informed that either the username or password was incorrect. This situation is frustrating. I cannot afford to deal with subpar companies that lack proper customer service. My daughter already has an account with this company. I may have to consult her to determine if dealing with this hassle is worth it. Otherwise, I'll resort to using alternative sources to obtain my FICO score. I've already wasted an hour on this. I'm done! It's unfortunate they can't be transparent in their advertising and accurately represent their services.
Reported by GetHuman8693481 on Saturday, November 11, 2023 5:09 AM
There seems to be incorrect information on my Credit Karma account under Intuit Credit Karma. There are addresses listed that I have never lived at or visited. The addresses in question are [redacted] Summer Avenue, Newark, NJ [redacted], and [redacted] Silver Mine Drive, Apt [redacted], Austin, Texas [redacted]. It appears that someone has used my name and date of birth without my consent. I did not authorize anyone to use my personal information, including the name Jeannine Dyer, or to open any accounts. As a result of this fraudulent activity, my credit score has significantly dropped for no apparent reason. I kindly request that you rectify these inaccuracies in your records promptly.
Reported by GetHuman8706987 on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 9:31 PM
I was given an invalid E-card number for Amazon due to my credit card application being declined. I have contacted both CKarma and Amazon multiple times. CKarma mentioned in an email that the issue is on Amazon's end. Amazon echoed the same sentiment. I applied for the Citibank Black Diamond card because of the promised $50 card. My credit score decreased by 6 points in this process. I possess a copy of the agreement in my Google Wallet. Dealing with this situation has been frustrating and I simply wish to receive what was guaranteed to me without any further complications.
Reported by GetHuman8715228 on Friday, February 2, 2024 10:38 PM
I am having trouble accessing my Credit Karma account on the iPhone app. Once I log in, I am prompted to input my name, address, and SSN, but I receive an error stating the information does not match the credit bureau records, preventing me from proceeding. I suspect Credit Karma uses TransUnion for verification. I ordered a TransUnion credit report, and it does not show any discrepancies. My credit is frozen across all three bureaus, so this might be causing the issue, but I cannot contact Credit Karma for clarification.
Reported by GetHuman8715731 on Saturday, February 10, 2024 2:30 PM
I am unable to access my Credit Karma account using my original email and password. When attempting to log in, I receive a message stating, "We'll Be Right Back!" Despite trying different email addresses, the same issue persists. When attempting to cancel my account, the system requests sensitive information like my SS #, birth date, and name. This only exacerbates my concerns. I feel frustrated by the lack of a real human to assist me and I am considering seeking legal counsel.
Reported by GetHuman8716165 on Saturday, February 17, 2024 3:35 AM

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