How Do I Get Device Support from Vivo?

There are several ways through which you can get device support from Vivo using these helpful tips.

Nov 19, 2019

Vivo devices are not as popular as other brands in the market but the company is gaining much needed approval in the market. One of the reasons Vivo devices are not that popular is their proneness to destruction.

Vivo users have to be vigilant about taking care of their Vivo smart phones or risk it getting destroyed. If not, the phone is bound to face all sorts of difficulties before its eventual demise.

Getting the right sort of help when trying to fix your device is crucial to continue using the device. The opposite scenario includes a high possibility of the device breaking down time and time again.

There are several ways through which you can get device support from Vivo including:


Vivo has one of the most comprehensive support pages you will ever find on the internet. Not only is the page easy to use but it is also very detailed.

You will find hundreds of articles about how to fix various issues that can affect your phone. The page is well organized into categories aligned to the left of the page which you can select to choose a relevant topic addressing the difficulty you are facing.

One topic may be broken down into smaller topics for more conclusive assistance. If you do not find a relevant topic on the page, you can search for an article by describing your problem in the search bar at the top of the page. You will find articles about the most basic support issues such as updating your software to complex ones like how to improve the success rate of the In-Display Fingerprint.

The solutions in the page are often conclusive so you won't have to visit any other source for more information. Only when the Vivo support page does not yield satisfactory results should you seek to contact them directly.

Social Media

Vivo has a wide social media presence across most of the platforms. Many people currently spend a lot of time on social media so it is not a surprise that it is an alternative avenue for getting device support from Vivo.

You can either send them a private or public message on social media describing the difficulty your device is facing. Vivo should send you a message within a few days offering a solution to the problem.

Messenger is the best way to contact Vivo through social media. You can, however, send them a tweet or comment on a relevant picture on Instagram to get support.

Vivo's YouTube channel is a great way to get device support as you can find instructional videos on how to solve your device's problem. If you do not find a relevant video, comment on a video and ask for support.


Giving Vivo's customer care a call is an alternative way to get device support from the company. Speaking to a customer care agent through the phone is particularly effective when getting device support as he/she will walk you through the solution. It is also fast and the line is always available. You can find the number on GetHuman.


Emails are not a great way to get device support from Vivo but they are an alternative. Send a descriptive email of the device's problem and you will soon receive a response from Vivo agents. You can find the email link in Vivo's support page.

Service Center

Vivo has a global network of service centers where you can get device support. This method is particularly favored by those who like one on one interaction.

If you do not mind standing in line or dealing with customer care agents in person, then you can decide to visit a service center. The advantage of this method is that you will rarely leave the store without your problem getting a solution.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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Asked 5 years ago
Updated 5 years ago
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