How Do I Return an Item to Stichfix?

When you want to buy something from Stitch Fix, you can order it, have it sent to you, and try it on before you commit to buying it. If you return it, you will not be charged for it. You can also return any Stitch Fix item for a refund after you buy it if you do so within 30 days of purchase.

So you bought something from Stitch Fix only to discover when you tried it on that it didn't have quite the look you'd hoped for. That's just part of the process of putting together a good Stitch Fix wardrobe, and it's why the company makes it so easy to return purchases that don't work out.

Stitch Fix's Return Policy

You can purchase items from Stitch Fix by having a bunch of selections sent in a Fix delivery so that you can try them on before you buy them. Once you get the delivery, you have three days to decide what to keep and send the rest back unpurchased. You can also return a purchased Fix delivery item for a refund as long as you return it within 30 days of purchase. The same goes for Stitch Fix Freestyle purchases.

Returning an Unpurchased Fix Delivery Item

If you have decided not to purchase one of your Fix delivery items, just place the item in the prepaid return envelope that came with your delivery. All of the tags and original packaging must be included with it. Then, bring the envelope to the post office and mail it, or put it in a nearby mailbox.

Returning a Purchased Fix Delivery Item

Contact Stitch Fix and ask for a prepaid label. Print it out and attach it to an envelope or some other package large enough to fit your returned item. Pack it up along with its original packaging and tags, and mail it back to Stitch Fix.

Returning a Stitch Fix Freestyle Purchase

To return a Stitch Fix Freestyle purchase, follow this procedure:

  1. Go to the Stitch Fix website.
  2. Sign into your account.
  3. Go to Orders & Returns.
  4. Click on the purchase you want to return.
  5. Click on Return.
  6. Enter an explanation of why you are making the return in the text field provided.
  7. Pack up the item together with its tags and original packaging. Include the packing slip that came with your order, if one did.
  8. Put the return label that came with your delivery on the package.
  9. Mail the package.

Contacting Stitch Fix

If you need any help making your return, you can get it from a Stitch Fix customer service representative. You have to use email to do it, as Stitch Fix has no other contact options.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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Asked 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
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Stitch Fix return
return Stitch Fix purchase
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