
Macfriends.com Customer FAQ

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What is Macfriends.com's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Macfriends.com customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I run Windows on my Mac using Boot Camp?

Yes, you can run Windows on your Mac using Boot Camp. Boot Camp is a built-in utility present in macOS that allows you to install and...
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Can I customize the trackpad gestures on my Mac?

Yes, you can customize the trackpad gestures on your Mac. macOS offers a range of options to tailor the trackpad gestures according...

Software Updates

What is the latest version of macOS?

The latest version of macOS is macOS Big Sur. It was released by Apple in November 2020. macOS Big Sur introduces a bold and refreshing...

Keyboard Shortcuts

What are some keyboard shortcuts for Mac?

There are several keyboard shortcuts available for Mac users to enhance productivity. Here are a few essential ones: 1. Command + C: Copy selected items to the clipboard. 2. Command + V: Paste the contents of the clipboard. 3. Command + Z: Undo the previous action. 4. Command + Shift + T: Reopen the last closed tab in your web browser. 5. Command + Space: Activate Spotlight search to quickly find files, apps, and more. 6. Command + Tab: Switch between open applications. 7. Command + Shift + 3: Capture the entire screen. 8. Command + Shift + 4: Select a specific portion of the screen to capture. 9. Command + comma (,): Open the Preferences window for the currently active app. 10. Command + Q: Quit the currently active application. These shortcuts can save time and make Mac usage more efficient. Explore the Apple website or the Mac User Guide for more shortcut options and customization possibilities....

Product Comparison

What is the difference between Macbook Air and Macbook Pro?

The main differences between the Macbook Air and Macbook Pro lie in their design, performance, and price. The Macbook Air is known...

Operating Systems

Can I run Windows on my Mac using Boot Camp?

Yes, you can run Windows on your Mac using Boot Camp. Boot Camp is a built-in utility present in macOS that allows you to install and...

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