
Joy Global Inc. Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Joy Global Inc.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Joy Global Inc. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Are there any warranty options available for Joy Global Inc. products?

Yes, Joy Global Inc. offers warranty options for its products. The company understands the importance of ensuring customer satisfaction...
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About Joy Global

What is Joy Global Inc. and what do they do?

Joy Global Inc. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of mining equipment, services, and consumables. Based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,...

What are the major products or services offered by Joy Global Inc.?

Joy Global Inc. is a leading provider of mining equipment, services, and solutions globally. The company specializes in the manufacturing...

What is the history of Joy Global Inc.?

Joy Global Inc. has a rich history that spans over a century. The company was founded in 1884 as the Joy Manufacturing Company, specializing...


Where is Joy Global Inc. headquartered?

Joy Global Inc. is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. Located in the heart of the Midwest, the company has chosen...

Career Opportunities

Are there any career opportunities at Joy Global Inc.?

Yes, there are numerous career opportunities available at Joy Global Inc. As a leading manufacturer and supplier of mining equipment,...


Does Joy Global Inc. have any subsidiaries?

Yes, Joy Global Inc. has subsidiaries. Joy Global Inc. is a global mining equipment and services company. It operates through various...

News and Updates

Where can I find the latest news and updates about Joy Global Inc.?

To find the latest news and updates about Joy Global Inc., there are a few reliable sources. Firstly, you can visit the official website...


Are there any events or trade shows where Joy Global Inc. will be present?

Yes, Joy Global Inc. regularly participates in industry events and trade shows to showcase our products and services. Our dedicated...


Does Joy Global Inc. have a sustainability or corporate social responsibility program?

Yes, Joy Global Inc. is committed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The company recognizes the importance of conducting...

Purchase Options

Can I purchase Joy Global Inc. products directly from their website?

No, Joy Global Inc. does not sell products directly on their website. As a global mining equipment and services company, Joy Global...


Are there any warranty options available for Joy Global Inc. products?

Yes, Joy Global Inc. offers warranty options for its products. The company understands the importance of ensuring customer satisfaction...

Help me with my Joy Global Inc. customer service issue

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