How do I remove a review from Healthgrades?

In a nutshell: Healthgrades allows users to search for doctors, schedule appointments, and review top hospitals. Patients can leave reviews to help others find the right doctor. Patients can flag

May 23, 2024


Healthgrades allow users to find doctors, schedule appointments, and find top hospitals in their area. Users can also leave a review to help patients find the right doctor. Users can edit and remove reviews they posted; doctors can't. However, if you believe the review left by a patient is fake or violates the community review guidelines, read this article for a step-by-step guide on how to flag a review, so that Healthgrades can review and remove it on their end. We also included information for patients who want to remove a review they submitted.

Log in to Healthgrades

Enter the email address and password associated with your Healthgrades account.

Open Your Reviews

Tap on the Ellipsis on the Top Right Corner

Tap Flag Comment

Choose a Reason for Flagging the Comment

Click Submit Flag

If you're the patient, following the community guidelines is advised to ensure the review isn't removed. Never post any content that's libelous or defamatory. Avoid posting obscene or misleading content. Never attempt name-calling or mention legal matters. Posting personal information, including names, websites, email addresses, and phone numbers, is also not allowed. When you violate the guidelines, your review will be removed.

For patients who want to remove a review, simply login to your account and go to My Reviews. You'll be able to remove the review from that page.

If you need more information about Healthgrades, visit their FAQs at


If you have other concerns about the reviews you've submitted or received, use the online form to submit a request. Just fill out the form entirely and include attachments when necessary. Also, Healthgrades look at the reviews published to ensure they comply with the guidelines. If they see that the patient violated the guideline, Healthgrades may likely remove it. All reviews also undergo a confirmation and auditing process before publication. For other issues with Healthgrades, please contact Customer Support.

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