Franklin Templeton Retirement Plans Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Franklin Templeton Retirement Plans's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Franklin Templeton Retirement Plans customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can I transfer funds from another retirement plan into a Franklin Templeton retirement plan?

Yes, it is possible to transfer funds from another retirement plan into a Franklin Templeton retirement plan. Franklin Templeton offers...
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Plan Options

What retirement plans does Franklin Templeton offer?

Franklin Templeton offers a range of retirement plans designed to meet individual retirement needs. These plans include individual...


Can I contribute to my retirement plan through automatic deductions from my paycheck?

Yes, you can contribute to your Franklin Templeton retirement plan through automatic deductions from your paycheck. Automatic payroll...

What is the maximum annual contribution limit for Franklin Templeton retirement plans?

The maximum annual contribution limit for Franklin Templeton retirement plans varies depending on the type of plan you have. For employer-sponsored...

Can I make catch-up contributions if I am over the age of 50?

Yes, if you are over the age of 50, you can make catch-up contributions to your Franklin Templeton Retirement Plan. Catch-up contributions...

Investment Changes

How often can I make changes to my investment choices within my retirement plan?

You can make changes to your investment choices within your Franklin Templeton retirement plan as often as you want. There are no restrictions...

Fees and Expenses

What fees or expenses are associated with Franklin Templeton retirement plans?

Franklin Templeton offers a range of retirement plans with varying fees and expenses. The specific fees depend on the plan chosen and...


Can I take a loan from my retirement plan?

Yes, you may be able to take a loan from your Franklin Templeton retirement plan. The availability and terms of loans may vary depending...

Tax Implications

What are the tax implications of withdrawing funds from my retirement plan?

The tax implications of withdrawing funds from your retirement plan depend on the type of plan you have. Generally, traditional retirement...

Job Changes

What happens to my retirement plan if I change jobs or retire?

If you change jobs or retire, your Franklin Templeton retirement plan remains intact and continues to grow. You have several options...


Can I transfer funds from another retirement plan into a Franklin Templeton retirement plan?

Yes, it is possible to transfer funds from another retirement plan into a Franklin Templeton retirement plan. Franklin Templeton offers...

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