
Bed Bug Site Customer FAQ

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What is Bed Bug Site's Phone Number?

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What are some common misconceptions about bed bugs?

There are several common misconceptions about bed bugs that need clarification. Firstly, many people believe that bed bugs are only...
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What are bed bugs and how do they infest homes?

Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals while they sleep. These pests are flat, oval-shaped, Infestations usually occur when bed bugs are unknowingly introduced into homes through infested furniture, luggage, or clothing. They can also travel between adjacent properties through shared walls and ventilation systems. Once inside a home, bed bugs quickly multiply and spread. They reproduce rapidly and can survive for weeks without feeding. Bed bugs are primarily nocturnal and attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale, making our bedrooms their preferred dwelling place. Their infestations are often characterized by their bite marks, which result in itchy welts on the skin. Other signs include the presence of tiny eggs, shed exoskeletons, and dark fecal spots on bedding and furniture. Due to their resilience and rapid reproduction, professional pest control is usually necessary to eliminate bed bug infestations effectively....

What are the signs and symptoms of bed bug bites?

The signs and symptoms of bed bug bites typically include red, itchy welts or swollen bumps on the skin. These marks are often arranged...


How long can bed bugs survive without feeding?

Bed bugs are resilient insects capable of surviving for several months without a blood meal. Adult bed bugs can typically go without...


What is the most effective way to treat a bed bug infestation?

The most effective way to treat a bed bug infestation is through a combination of strategies, including thorough cleaning, heat treatment,...

Can I get rid of bed bugs on my own or should I hire a professional?

While it is possible to get rid of bed bugs on your own, hiring a professional is often recommended for effective and efficient elimination....


Are bed bugs only found in beds?

No, bed bugs are not only found in beds. While bed frames, mattresses, and box springs are common hiding spots, these pests can infest...

Can bed bugs be found in hotels or other public places?

Yes, bed bugs can be found in hotels or other public places. These pesky insects are excellent hitchhikers and can travel from one...

Health Risks

Can bed bugs spread diseases?

Yes, bed bugs are known as nuisance pests, but they are not known to transmit or spread diseases. Extensive research and studies have...


What are some common misconceptions about bed bugs?

There are several common misconceptions about bed bugs that need clarification. Firstly, many people believe that bed bugs are only...

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