What are the different types of insurance policies offered by SunLife Financial?

Asked 7 months ago
SunLife Financial offers a wide range of insurance policies to meet diverse needs. Their offerings include individual life insurance, designed to protect loved ones financially in case of death, and can be tailored to term, permanent, or universal coverage. Critical illness insurance is available, providing a lump sum if the policyholder is diagnosed with a covered illness, assisting in managing expenses while focusing on recovery. SunLife also offers health insurance, providing comprehensive coverage for various medical expenses, while helping to bridge the gap in provincial healthcare plans. They provide disability insurance, which offers financial support if a policyholder becomes unable to work due to injury or illness. Lastly, SunLife offers travel insurance, safeguarding against unforeseen medical expenses when traveling outside the country.
Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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