Can I change my hotel reservation on Expedia?

If something comes up and you need to change your Expedia reservation, here are all the ways to do so, including the best options available to you.

Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Jul 12, 2019

Travel plans can change. You can have an emergency come up, be denied time off work, or have weather affect your upcoming reservations. Luckily, if you made your hotel reservation through Expedia, it's sometimes possible to change your reservation.

Expedia doesn't charge a fee for reservation cancellations or changes, but the hotel you've booked with might. You will be responsible for paying the fee for changing your reservation when you check out of the hotel.

Keep reading for the few simple steps you need to take to change your Expedia reservation.

Change Your Reservation Online

  1. Go to

  2. In the top right menu bar, select 'Account' and 'Sign In.'

  3. You will be asked to sign in with your email address and password. Alternatively, you can sign in with your Google or Facebook account.

  4. In the top right menu bar, select 'My Trips' and 'Itineraries.'

  5. Select the 'Upcoming' tab at the top of the page, find the itinerary for the trip you wish to modify and select it.

  6. Read the fine print of your reservation. If the booking is refundable, it's likely that you can also make a change to the reservation. If the booking is nonrefundable, you may not be able to make a change. However, you should always try!

  7. Select 'Change' on your reservation to make your changes. For changes regarding your room type (pet-friendly rooms, smoking or non-smoking rooms, or handicap access), you will have to contact the hotel directly.

  8. Finalize your changes and confirm them. If the changes were successful, you'll receive a confirmation email from Expedia.

  9. If the confirmation does not go through, then your reservation may include terms and conditions that exclude changes after the initial booking. If this occurs, we still recommend you try calling Expedia, as outlined in the next set of instructions.

Change Your Reservation by Phone

If you experience difficulties making reservation changes on the Expedia website, it's recommended you try calling Expedia's Customer Service team and get their assistance. You will need to have your itinerary number on hand.

  1. Go to

  2. In the top right menu bar, select 'Account' and 'Sign In.'

  3. You will be asked to sign in with your email address and password. Alternatively, you can sign in with your Google or Facebook account.

  4. In the top right menu bar, select 'My Trips' and 'Itineraries.'

  5. Select the 'Upcoming' tab at the top of the page, find the itinerary for the trip you wish to modify and note the itinerary number.

  6. Call Expedia Customer Service at this number. Follow the instructions from the automated system to be connected with a customer service representative and request the changes to your booking. If your changes are approved, you'll receive a confirmation email from Expedia.

Change Your Reservation through the Hotel

If Expedia doesn't allow you to change your reservation, you can try contacting the hotel directly to see if they would be willing to accommodate you. You can find the hotel's phone number in your itinerary details. If the hotel approves your changes, it's recommended you get the hotel to send you a new reservation confirmation via email, or at least an email confirming that changes made so that there is no miscommunication. Since these changes are being made outside of the Expedia platform, Expedia will not be able to assist you if there are complications.

Expedia does all it can to make the booking process easy for travelers. Before booking any hotel on Expedia, make sure to read the cancellation policy and the terms and conditions for policies regarding changes to your booking.

It's important to note that even if a hotel booking says it's nonrefundable and accepts no changes, Expedia will (usually) honor a refund within a 24-hour period of the initial booking.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.
Can I change my hotel reservation on Expedia?

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