What are the MIDI mappings for Arturia controllers?

Asked 7 months ago
The MIDI mappings for Arturia controllers are customizable and flexible. Arturia provides mapping templates and presets for popular software like Ableton Live, Logic Pro, and Cubase, ensuring seamless integration with these DAWs. These mappings cover essential parameters such as transport controls, mixer functions, and instrument parameters. Additionally, Arturia controllers offer user-defined MIDI mappings, allowing you to assign MIDI messages to control any parameter within your software of choice. The MIDI Control Center software provided by Arturia facilitates easy customization and management of these mappings. This flexibility ensures that Arturia controllers can adapt to any workflow or production setup, enhancing your creative process and enabling intuitive control over your music production environment.
Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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