
Google AdWords Customer FAQ

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What is Google AdWords's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Google AdWords customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What is the Ad Rank and how does it affect my ads?

Ad Rank is the algorithmic formula used by Google AdWords to determine the positioning and visibility of ads in search results. It...
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Recent Google AdWords Customer Questions

I am being charged for something I didn't start

We're sorry that you're experiencing this issue. If you're seeing charges from Google AdWords that you didn't authorize, it's possible that your account has been compromised. The first step is to immediately secure your account by changing your password and updating your recovery information. Then, review your account to see if any unauthorized campaigns were created. Consider enabling two-step verification for enhanced security. If you are still having issues, it's advised to contact Google AdWords Support for better assistance with your specific situation. They have resources to assist with unauthorized charges and can help rectify the situation.
Asked Apr 5, 2024 1:06 AM

Help me with my Google AdWords customer service issue


What is Google AdWords?

Google AdWords is an online advertising platform developed by Google. It allows businesses to place advertisements on Google's search...

How does Google AdWords work?

Google AdWords is an online advertising platform that allows businesses to display ads on Google's search engine results pages and To get started, advertisers create targeted ads that include keywords relevant to their business. These ads are then shown to users who enter those keywords into the search engine or visit websites related to the targeted keywords. Advertisers set a budget for their campaigns and bid on specific keywords to determine the cost per click (CPC) they are willing to pay. Google uses a complex algorithm to determine ad placement and relevance based on factors like bid amount, ad quality, and user experience. Advertisers can choose different ad formats, such as text or image ads, and have various targeting options to reach their desired audience. Google AdWords provides advertisers with detailed analytics and metrics to track the performance of their ads and optimize their campaigns for better results....


How much does it cost to advertise on Google AdWords?

The cost of advertising on Google AdWords varies significantly and depends on several factors. These include the competitiveness of...

Ad Types

What types of ads can I create with Google AdWords?

With Google AdWords, you can create various types of ads to reach your target audience effectively. The available ad formats include...

Keywords vs Placements

What is the difference between keywords and placements?

Keywords and placements are two essential components in Google AdWords that determine where and when your ads are displayed. Keywords On the other hand, placements refer to specific websites, apps, or other online locations where advertisers choose to display their ads. Advertisers can target placements based on their relevance to their business or the demographics of the audience visiting those locations. While keywords target user intent and show ads based on search queries, placements focus on displaying ads on specific websites or apps relevant to the advertiser's target audience. Keywords target users actively searching for specific content, whereas placements target users who are browsing or consuming content on particular platforms or websites. In summary, keywords target search queries, while placements target specific online locations for ad display. Both strategies are valuable for advertisers to reach their target audience effectively....


Can I advertise on specific websites using Google AdWords?

Yes, you can advertise on specific websites using Google AdWords. With the Display Network in AdWords, you have the option to target...

Ad Rank

What is the Ad Rank and how does it affect my ads?

Ad Rank is the algorithmic formula used by Google AdWords to determine the positioning and visibility of ads in search results. It...
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