How Do I Make a Booking with Expedia?

Expedia is a great option for travel-related bookings. Customers can also earn points with each booking that can be redeemed for discounts on future bookings. Keep reading for helpful tips on how to easily make a booking with Expedia.

Expedia is an online platform that allows customers to book travel accommodations, flights, vacation packages, and excursions. The American company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Washington. The company name is derived from two words, "exploration" and "speed."

Expedia is a great option for travel-related bookings. Customers can also earn points with each booking that can be redeemed for discounts on future bookings. Keep reading for instructions on how to easily make a booking with Expedia.

Make an Expedia Booking Online

  1. Go to

  2. At the top of the screen, click on 'Account' and 'Sign In.'

  3. You'll be able to sign in to your account with your email address and password. Alternatively, you can sign in with your Facebook account or Google account. If you don't have an account yet, you will need one to make a booking through Expedia. Simply select 'Sign Up' at the bottom of the pop window and follow the prompted instructions.

  4. Once you have signed in, you will be redirected to the home page. At the top of the page, select the type of travel accommodations you want to book. The options include:

    • Flights

    • Hotels

    • Flight & Hotel

    • All-Inclusive Vacations

    • Cars

    • Cruises

    • Things to Do

    • Vacation Rentals

  5. Type in your destination in the 'Going to' bar.

  6. Type in your check-in and check-out dates.

  7. Select the number of passengers (and amount of rooms if applicable).

  8. Click on 'Search.'

  9. You will be redirected to a new page with results for your search. In the left menu, you can choose to apply filters to the results. For example, if looking at flights, you can choose to only view flights that are direct. Or, if you're searching for hotels, you can choose hotels that are only four stars or up.

  10. Review your options and click on the choice you want to book.

  11. You may be asked to choose more details for your booking. Follow the prompted instructions.

  12. After making all of your choices, you will be redirected to the secure booking page. You will be asked to enter your payment information.

  13. If you have Expedia points available to redeem, the option will be presented on this screen.

  14. Click on 'Complete Booking' at the bottom of the screen.

  15. You will receive an email that confirms your booking and includes all the details of your booking. If there are any changes to your reservation, you'll be notified via email. If any next steps are required, Expedia will let you know via email.

Make an Expedia Booking Via Phone

If you prefer to make a booking over the phone, you can call the Expedia Customer Service team. When you complete a booking over the phone, make sure to keep the customer service representative on the line until you receive the email confirmation for your booking. Review the booking immediately to ensure all the details are correct.

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Christian has been writing about long hold times and customer service call center experiences since 2010. He's been featured in Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe.

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