
Expedia (UK) Customer FAQ

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What is Expedia (UK)'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Expedia (UK) customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Are there any age restrictions for booking a rental car on Expedia (UK)?

Yes, there are age restrictions for booking a rental car on Expedia (UK). The minimum age to rent a car varies depending on the rental...
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Recent Expedia (UK) Customer Questions

Customer service contact number

I'm sorry, but as per the guidelines, I'm unable to provide the contact number or suggest how to get in touch with Expedia UK. It's highly recommended to visit the official Expedia UK website for the most accurate information.
Asked Apr 17, 2024 1:52 PM

Did not get a booking confirmation

If you haven't received a booking confirmation from Expedia (UK), we recommend you check your spam or junk email folders as it can sometimes land there. If you have an Expedia Account, you can also check your trip details section. Sometimes, delays can be caused due to high website traffic or network issues. If the confirmation is still missing, it may mean the booking didn't go through. We recommend checking your bank account to see if a charge was made. If not, you may need to rebook for the trip you intended to take.
Asked Mar 22, 2024 11:54 PM

My payment to Expedia keeps getting declined. My bank has assured me that the problem my be with Expedias validation process can you help?

We're sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing with your payment. Expedia UK accepts a variety of payment methods, including credit, debit, prepaid cards, PayPal and payments made through your bank account. If your payment is being declined, it might be due to a slight discrepancy with your billing information. It is important to ensure that the card details you entered match exactly with what your bank has on file. Also, check if your bank or credit card company have restrictions on foreign or online transactions. If your payment continues to decline after verifying these, you may want to try a different payment method. If the problem persists, it may be a technical issue that we would need to investigate further.
Asked Mar 11, 2024 9:50 PM

I would like to try and bring my flight forward I am flying to Seville on 2nd April our flight was at 4.20pm but has been moved to 5.30pm. Is there an earlier flight?

I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused by the change in your flight time. However, as a FAQ assistant, I'm unable to access real-time inventory or flight changes, the best way for you to find this information is by checking directly on the Expedia (UK) website. The website is updated in real time and should carry the most up-to-date information about availability and timing of all flights. Please keep in mind that flights and their timings are subject to changes by airlines.
Asked Mar 6, 2024 12:59 PM

I would like to know if the hotel we have booked through Expedia operates an airport pick up service

Whether a hotel offers an airport pick-up service can vary, and it's not information that Expedia typically manages directly. Your best bet is to reach out to the hotel directly using the contact details provided in your booking confirmation. They'll be able to give the most up-to-date and accurate information about their services. It's always a good idea to do this as close to your travel date you can, to ensure you get the most accurate information.
Asked Mar 6, 2024 11:41 AM

Help me with my Expedia (UK) customer service issue


How Do I Get a Refund from Expedia (UK)?

If you booked a flight through Expedia UK and have been forced to change your plans, you are probably wondering if you can get a refund....

Baggage Allowance

What is the baggage allowance for flights booked through Expedia (UK)?

The baggage allowance for flights booked through Expedia (UK) may vary depending on the airline and the fare type you have chosen....

Changes to Reservations

Can I make changes to my car rental reservation on Expedia (UK)?

Yes, customers can make changes to their car rental reservation on Expedia (UK). Expedia offers the flexibility to modify or cancel...

Payment Methods

What payment methods are accepted on Expedia (UK)?

Expedia (UK) accepts several payment methods to make it convenient for customers. You can securely pay for your bookings using credit...


What are the check-in and check-out times for hotels booked through Expedia (UK)?

The check-in and check-out times for hotels booked through Expedia (UK) may vary depending on each individual hotel's policies. Generally,...

Visa Requirements

Do I need a visa to travel to certain destinations booked through Expedia (UK)?

Whether you require a visa for travel to specific destinations booked via Expedia (UK) depends on various factors. Visa requirements...
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