Our phone can call Skinit.com and (optionally) navigate through the phone menus, wait on hold, and talk to customer service for you. You don't even need to stay on the line!
In order to to the talking on your behalf, we need to know your name and the reason you are calling. If you want to drop off the call and let us do it all for you, we need a way to reach you, so we require a verified phone number.
Start above by entering your phone number and verifying it with a 6-digit code, and then filling in your name and reason for calling. Once the call starts, you can turn any of these features on and off as you like.
Our free phone is capable of talking to customer service for you, letting you skip the call altogether, it can also simply wait on hold for you.
For this feature to work, we need a way to reach you, to let you know when a Skinit.com representative is on the line and ready to talk. So we require a verified phone number.
With a way to reach you, you can drop off the call. Our free phone will call, navigate menus, wait on hold, and then text you when a rep picks up. That notification includes a way to re-join the call so you can talk to Skinit.com without wasting your time during the waiting portion of the call.
If you prefer to be present for the whole call, and don't need our phone to talk for you or wait on hold for you, it can still navigate the menus for you. The phone will do a much better job of this if it knows why we're calling, so be sure to tell us your reason for calling if you plan to use this feature.
Dialing and talking to customer service yourself is always an option too! Using our web-based phone to do it saves you phone plan minutes- especially if you're traveling internationally- and can help you re-schedule easily if the call center is closed or is too busy. You also can still get a transcript and summary for your records at the end.
If you're on a mobile phone or device with a Phone app and just want to call Skinit.com without using our web-based phone, that's fine too. We can help by telling you what information you'll need and what to say, but you can skip that and go right to calling as well.
Just remember that you won't have access to any of the advanced features our phone offers, that are discussed on this page, like waiting on hold for you, talking for you, navigating menus for you, or sending you a transcript and summary after the call. To get those features, you'll need to use our phone instead.