Whole Foods Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Whole Foods customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 4 issue(s) reported October 23, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
To whom it may concern, I am writing to express my disappointment with my recent purchase of two round cakes from the Whole Foods Bakery in Dublin, CA, made on October 22nd. Despite enjoying the taste and decoration of the cakes, I am consistently frustrated with the poor packaging. I have encountered this issue multiple times, where I am advised not to fully close the cake box due to the fruit topping's lack of space in the small box, leading to difficulties in transportation and cake dryness. Yesterday, when purchasing two cakes with fruit toppings, I once again faced the same problem, resulting in the cakes becoming disheveled during transport. I had to seal the boxes, causing the fruit topping to sink into the cake and frosting to smear the lid. This experience not only stressed me personally but also affected the cakes I intended for a crucial work event. As a loyal Whole Foods customer and Amazon Prime member, I am disappointed by this incident and reluctant to use the brand again. I am hopeful for a call from a Whole Foods manager to address this matter and offer a resolution for the inconvenience caused. I plan to share this experience with my acquaintances, and I trust it will be communicated to the Whole Foods team.
Reported by GetHuman-r_mehta on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 6:20 PM
I recently bought romaine lettuce at St. Paul Whole Foods for my walking stick insects that I raise at work. I've fed previous generations of insects lettuce from Whole Foods with no issues, but this time, after feeding them this romaine lettuce, there was a significant die off in my colony. I suspect the lettuce may have been overly saturated with insecticides. I usually buy organic romaine lettuce and wash it before using it with a simple rinse. Nothing else has changed in their habitat. It's concerning that such a high percentage of my insects died after eating this lettuce. I'm not sure what Whole Foods can do with this information, but I wanted to share my experience in case there might be an issue with the recent suppliers. I have replaced the lettuce and hope my colony will recover. Thank you for listening.
Reported by GetHuman5347543 on Thursday, October 8, 2020 7:19 PM
As a Type 1 Diabetic with double brittleness, I disclosed my medical condition during the interview at Wholefoods. The Lead Front Manager assured me that accommodations could be made for my condition, so I felt confident joining the team. However, I encountered issues when facing diabetic emergencies during my shifts. On one occasion, I had to leave due to a ripped diabetic site and was flagged as absent. In another instance, high blood sugar and ketones made me too sick to work, resulting in another flag. Despite informing management, I was unaware of a specific phone number required for diabetic-related absences. When I inquired, I was told it was my responsibility to ask for the number. This lack of communication led to my written warning for absences, three of which were related to my medical condition. The lack of support from the upper management team left me feeling discriminated against and misunderstood.
Reported by GetHuman8475483 on Monday, July 3, 2023 6:27 AM
I have been trying to contact someone regarding the team leader at Wholefoods Edgewater Chicago named Courtney Dillion. She instructs the men from the organization "We Push For Peace" via walkie talkie to follow customers who appear suspicious. I have been a loyal customer for over 15 years and find this behavior unacceptable. I have submitted a complaint letter to the regional office but have not received a response. I prefer not to resort to social media and hope for a resolution to this harassment matter. Thank you. Dr. Parsley
Reported by GetHuman-apars on Friday, August 11, 2023 1:48 AM

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