ING Bank (Australia) Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about ING Bank (Australia) customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 3 issue(s) reported August 9, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, everyone. I am currently in Peru and have accidentally blocked my online mobile banking passcode, leaving me unable to access my online banking. I am unable to call due to the absence of a mobile network. I have attempted to reset my code online, but it requires me to complete the process via phone. Is there a way to resolve this issue online? You can reach me at [redacted] Thank you for your assistance. My full name is Thi N.T., and my address is 24 Runcorn Crescent, Deer Park, VIC [redacted], Australia.
Reported by GetHuman3395801 on Friday, August 9, 2019 8:57 AM
Hello, my name is Wanda Innes and I need urgent assistance. I recently closed my ING account, but I forgot that it's the account where I receive my payments. I am expecting payment tomorrow and Tuesday but currently have no active account. I am hoping for a quick solution either by reopening my old account promptly or by opening a new account within hours. Here are my details: Name: Wanda Gai Innes Date of Birth: 13-07-[redacted] Address: [redacted] The Avenue, Figtree [redacted] Client Number: [redacted] Card Number: [redacted] Security Question: Mother's maiden name - Scott I would greatly appreciate if you could assist me promptly. Please reach out if you need any additional information. Thank you for your help, and I am looking forward to your response. Wanda Innes
Reported by GetHuman5329487 on Saturday, October 3, 2020 6:56 PM
Good morning Support Team, I recently made a payment to an account but unfortunately, I mistakenly input the wrong name in the account details. The account number [redacted] - [redacted]87 belongs to TYRONE BERCHY, but I mistakenly put his mother's name LYNETTE BERCHY. I kindly request to have the name corrected to ensure the money is directed to the correct recipient. Please contact me via email at [redacted] Thank you for your assistance.
Reported by GetHuman-luciavo on Thursday, December 10, 2020 12:49 AM

Help me with my ING Bank (Australia) issue

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