Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 2 issue(s) reported December 16, 2019 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
Hello, I attempted to reach out via phone a few days ago but was unable to get through as the line was busy. My recent order # [redacted]2 for glasses has arrived, unfortunately the axis seems to be inverted, causing significant trouble with visibility. I have also emailed you twice to address this issue but have not received a response or a return shipping label for the glasses. Disappointed with the lack of customer service and communication, I urgently need a resolution as my need for the glasses is pressing. If I do not hear back promptly, I will have no choice but to pursue a formal claim in order to obtain a refund. Thank you for addressing this matter promptly.
Reported by GetHuman4104253 on सोमवार, १६ दिसम्बर २०१९, दोपहर ३:२२ बजे
I recently visited your store in White City and encountered a distressing situation in the dressing room. While trying on items, I was rudely interrupted by a security guard accusing me of hiding merchandise. Despite explaining the situation and offering to show my items, I was treated poorly and felt humiliated. This experience was particularly upsetting for me due to my PTSD. I believe that as a paying customer, I deserved better treatment. I have never faced such behavior from your other staff members who have always been pleasant. I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this issue and ensuring such incidents do not happen in the future. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Reported by GetHuman-jennikri on बुधवार, २५ जनवरी २०२३, रात १०:५४ बजे

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