Citrix Systems Customer Service Issues

Archive 1

The following are issues that customers reported to GetHuman about Citrix Systems customer service, archive #1. It includes a selection of 1 issue(s) reported October 8, 2016 onward. If you have a similar customer service issue, this page will help you find current, up-to-date answers and solutions too.
I encountered an issue when trying to bind an argument to the 'ADAccountName' parameter as it appears to be an empty string. The error message provided by the SDK states the same problem, indicating that empty strings are not allowed for this parameter. The error ID specified is 'ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyStringNotAllowed' within the Citrix Machine Creation SDK commands. This occurred while attempting to add one machine to the Machine Catalog named 'Windows 10 Dedicated'. The machine type is Desktop OS (Virtual), using the MCS provisioning method with a permanent allocation type. The VDA version has been set to 7.9, with resources including VM LAN. The machine is scoped within 'All' scopes, assigned to the 'Primary' zone, and based on the disk image '9-21-16 VDA'.
Reported by GetHuman-sklassen on Sabtu, 8 Oktober 2016 pukul 01.25

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