Detroit Party Bus Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Detroit Party Bus's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Detroit Party Bus customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Are there any additional fees or charges not included in the rental price?

No, there are no additional fees or charges that are not included in the rental price of our Detroit Party Bus. Our rental price is...
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What is a party bus?

A party bus is a spacious and customized vehicle designed specifically for hosting parties and celebrations on the move. It provides...

What services does Detroit Party Bus provide?

Detroit Party Bus provides a range of services to cater to various needs and occasions. Our fleet of luxury party buses can be hired...


How many people can a party bus accommodate?

Our Detroit Party Bus can accommodate up to 40 passengers. With a variety of spacious and stylish buses in our fleet, we ensure that...

Rental Duration

What is the rental duration for a party bus?

The rental duration for a party bus with Detroit Party Bus can vary depending on your needs and preferences. We offer flexible rental...


What amenities are included in a party bus rental?

When renting a party bus with Detroit Party Bus, you can expect a wide range of amenities to enhance your experience. Our luxurious...

Food and Drinks

Can I bring my own food and drinks on the party bus?

Yes, you are allowed to bring your own food and drinks on the party bus. We understand that you may have specific dietary needs or...

Age Restrictions

Are there any age restrictions for renting a party bus?

Yes, there are age restrictions for renting a party bus with Detroit Party Bus. To ensure the safety and compliance with legal requirements,...

Service Area

What areas does Detroit Party Bus serve?

Detroit Party Bus serves the entire Detroit metropolitan area, including the city of Detroit and its surrounding suburbs. Our party...

Viewing Options

Can I view the party bus before making a reservation?

Yes, we understand that seeing the party bus before making a reservation is important to ensure it meets your requirements. At Detroit...

Cancellation Policy

What is the cancellation policy for party bus rentals?

Our cancellation policy for party bus rentals is as follows: If you need to cancel your booking, we require a notice of at least 14...

Additional Fees

Are there any additional fees or charges not included in the rental price?

No, there are no additional fees or charges that are not included in the rental price of our Detroit Party Bus. Our rental price is...

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