Can I ship hazardous materials using UPS Freight?

Asked 7 months ago
No, UPS Freight does not accept shipments of hazardous materials. This includes goods that are flammable, toxic, corrosive, or explosive. Shipping hazardous materials requires specialized handling and packaging to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the transportation process. UPS Freight prioritizes the safety of its employees, customers, and the environment, and complies with strict regulations set by various government agencies. For shipping hazardous materials, UPS offers separate services called UPS HazMat, which are specifically designed to handle and transport such shipments safely and legally. It is crucial to contact UPS HazMat for expert guidance and assistance to ensure that your hazardous materials are shipped in accordance with all legal and safety requirements.
Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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