What happens if my package is lost or damaged during shipment?

Asked 7 months ago
If your package is lost or damaged during shipment, Petfavors.com takes full responsibility to ensure customer satisfaction. In the rare event that such an issue occurs, we kindly request you to contact our customer support team immediately. Our dedicated and friendly representatives will guide you through the process of resolving the situation swiftly. We will initiate an investigation with the shipping carrier to determine the cause and status of the lost or damaged package. If the package is confirmed as lost, we will arrange for a replacement to be shipped promptly at no additional cost to you. In case of damage, we may request photographic evidence to expedite the resolution. Our utmost priority is to provide seamless and hassle-free shopping experiences, so you can feel confident when shopping with Petfavors.com.
Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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