What are the payment options for Fibertel services?

Asked 7 months ago
Fibertel offers customers a variety of convenient payment options for our services. Firstly, we support online payment methods, allowing you to pay your bills through our secure website using credit or debit cards. Additionally, we offer automatic payment arrangements where your charges can be deducted automatically from your bank account or credit card each month. For in-person transactions, customers can make payments at any of our customer service centers and authorized payment locations. We also accept payment via bank transfers or deposits to our designated banking accounts. To ensure flexibility, we have partnered with major banks to provide you with multiple channels for payment transactions, including mobile banking apps and ATMs. No matter what your preference is, Fibertel strives to make paying for our services easy and accessible for all our valued customers.
Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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