What services does Consumers Union provide to its members?

Asked 7 months ago
Consumers Union offers a range of services to its members. First and foremost, members receive access to unbiased and independent product reviews and ratings across a wide array of categories, enabling them to make informed purchasing decisions. Members also benefit from personalized buying advice, expert analysis, and comparison tools to help them navigate the marketplace effectively. Moreover, Consumers Union provides a variety of advocacy efforts and campaigns aimed at promoting consumer rights and protections, such as fighting for improved product safety standards and fair practices. Additional member services include access to newsletters, educational resources, and alerts on product recalls and scams. In summary, Consumers Union's services empower members with reliable information, support, and effective tools to make smarter consumer choices and help shape a fair and safer marketplace.
Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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