Customer FAQ

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What is's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What payment methods do you accept?

At, we strive to make your shopping experience seamless and convenient. To ensure this, we offer various payment...
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Shipping and Delivery

How long does it take for my order to arrive?

At, we strive to provide prompt delivery of your orders. The exact time it takes for your order to arrive can vary...

Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to customers all around the world. At, we strive to provide our delicious and...

Can I track the status of my order?

Yes, you can easily track the status of your order on Once your order is processed, we will provide you with a unique...

Product Information

Are your teas organic?

Yes, all our teas at are sourced from certified organic farms. We are committed to offering high-quality teas that...

What is the shelf life of your teas?

The shelf life of our teas varies depending on the type of tea. Loose leaf teas have a recommended shelf life of 1-2 years when stored...

Are your teas suitable for vegetarians/vegans?

Yes, all our teas are suitable for vegetarians and most of them are also suitable for vegans. We take pride in offering a wide selection...

Are your teas gluten-free?

Yes, all of our teas at are gluten-free. We understand the importance of catering to various dietary restrictions,...

Returns and Exchanges

Can I return or exchange a tea if I don't like it?

Yes, at Golden Moon Tea, we offer a satisfaction guarantee. We understand that everyone's taste preferences may vary, and we want to...

Pricing and Discounts

Do you offer wholesale pricing?

Yes, we do offer wholesale pricing. At Golden Moon Tea, we understand that some customers may require larger quantities of our premium...

Are there any discounts or promotions available?

Yes, at, we offer various discounts and promotions to provide our valued customers with the best deals. We frequently...

Brewing Instructions

What are the brewing instructions for your teas?

At, we strive to provide the perfect brewing instructions for our teas, ensuring a delightful and consistent experience...

Payment Methods

What payment methods do you accept?

At, we strive to make your shopping experience seamless and convenient. To ensure this, we offer various payment...

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