
General Mills Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is General Mills's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to General Mills customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does General Mills have any sustainability initiatives?

Yes, General Mills is committed to sustainability initiatives. We understand the importance of reducing our environmental impact and...
Ask any question you have about General Mills customer service, get an answer now.


What products does General Mills produce?

General Mills produces a wide range of food products that cater to various consumer needs. We offer a diverse portfolio that includes...


Where can I find General Mills products?

General Mills products can be easily found in numerous locations. You can visit your local grocery store or supermarket, as our products...

Special Diets

Are General Mills products gluten-free?

Yes, General Mills offers a wide range of gluten-free products. We understand and cater to the dietary needs of our consumers, including...

Does General Mills have any vegan options?

Yes, General Mills offers a variety of vegan options across its product lines. They understand the growing demand for plant-based alternatives...

Company History

What is General Mills' history?

General Mills has a rich history that dates back over 150 years. The company was founded in 1856 by Cadwallader C. Washburn in Minneapolis,...


Does General Mills offer any coupons or promotions?

Yes, General Mills offers coupons and promotions on their products. They understand the importance of providing value to their customers...


Are General Mills products safe for consumption?

Yes, General Mills products are safe for consumption. We prioritize the safety and quality of our products from the sourcing of ingredients...

Nutritional Information

Where can I find nutritional information for General Mills products?

You can easily find nutritional information for General Mills products on our official website. Simply navigate to the product's page...


Does General Mills offer any organic or natural products?

Yes, General Mills offers a range of organic and natural products. We understand the growing consumer demand for healthier options,...


Are General Mills products suitable for children?

Yes, General Mills products are suitable for children. We prioritize the nutritional needs of children and take great care in creating...


Does General Mills have any sustainability initiatives?

Yes, General Mills is committed to sustainability initiatives. We understand the importance of reducing our environmental impact and...

Help me with my General Mills customer service issue

Ask any question you have about General Mills customer service. We will do our best to get you answers right away.
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