
BookBaby Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is BookBaby's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to BookBaby customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What are the payment options for publishing services with Bookbaby?

Bookbaby offers convenient and flexible payment options for its publishing services. We understand that every author's financial situation...
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Publishing Costs

What is the cost of publishing a book with Bookbaby?

The cost of publishing a book with Bookbaby depends on several factors, such as the specific services and packages you choose. Bookbaby...

Accepted Book Types

What types of books does Bookbaby accept for publishing?

Bookbaby accepts a wide range of book genres for publishing. Whether you have written a novel, poetry collection, memoir, business...

Cover Design Options

Can I use my own book cover design or do I have to use one of Bookbaby's templates?

Yes, you can use your own book cover design for your project with Bookbaby. Bookbaby provides the flexibility for authors to showcase...

Publishing Timeline

How long does it typically take to publish a book with Bookbaby?

The time it takes to publish a book with Bookbaby varies depending on the individual author's needs and preferences. However, Bookbaby...

Distribution Process

What is the distribution process like after publishing with Bookbaby?

After publishing with Bookbaby, the distribution process is seamless and hassle-free. Once your book is ready for distribution, Bookbaby...

E-book Publishing

Can I publish an e-book with Bookbaby?

Yes, you can definitely publish an e-book with Bookbaby! As a leading self-publishing company, Bookbaby offers a comprehensive platform...

Printing Options

What printing options are available for physical copies of my book?

Bookbaby offers a wide range of printing options for physical copies of your book. Whether you need a few copies or a large print run,...

Rights Retention

Do I retain the rights to my book when publishing with Bookbaby?

Yes, when publishing with Bookbaby, you retain all the rights to your book. Bookbaby operates under a non-exclusive agreement, allowing...

Marketing Services

Does Bookbaby provide any marketing or promotional services for published books?

Yes, Bookbaby offers a range of marketing and promotional services to help authors effectively promote their published books. These...

Payment Options

What are the payment options for publishing services with Bookbaby?

Bookbaby offers convenient and flexible payment options for its publishing services. We understand that every author's financial situation...

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