What is the distribution process like after publishing with Bookbaby?

Asked 7 months ago
After publishing with Bookbaby, the distribution process is seamless and hassle-free. Once your book is ready for distribution, Bookbaby ensures it reaches a wide audience by leveraging their extensive network. They distribute your work to major online retailers such as Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and many more. Additionally, they make your book available to libraries, academic institutions, and niche markets. Bookbaby also provides global distribution, so readers around the world can easily access your work in various formats like eBook, print-on-demand, and audiobook. They continuously monitor sales and royalties, offering detailed reports to keep you informed about your book's performance. With Bookbaby, you can focus on your writing while they take care of getting your book in front of readers everywhere.
Christian Allen is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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