AIT Worldwide Logistics Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is AIT Worldwide Logistics's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to AIT Worldwide Logistics customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does AIT Worldwide Logistics offer any specialized shipping options?

Yes, AIT Worldwide Logistics provides specialized shipping options to meet the unique needs of our customers. Whether you require temperature-controlled...
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Tracking Shipments

How can I track my shipment?

To track your shipment with AIT Worldwide Logistics, you can simply log into our online tracking portal using your unique tracking...

Services Offered

What services does AIT Worldwide Logistics offer?

AIT Worldwide Logistics offers a comprehensive range of global logistics services. With expertise in supply chain management, the company...


What locations does AIT Worldwide Logistics operate in?

AIT Worldwide Logistics operates in numerous locations around the globe to provide comprehensive logistics solutions. With a widespread...

International Shipping

Do you provide international shipping services?

Yes, AIT Worldwide Logistics provides comprehensive international shipping services. We have an extensive global network that enables...

Transit Time

What is the transit time for a standard shipment?

The transit time for a standard shipment with AIT Worldwide Logistics varies depending on the origin and destination of the shipment....

Requesting Quotes

Can I request a quote for a shipment?

Yes, you can easily request a quote for your shipment with AIT Worldwide Logistics. Our user-friendly website allows you to fill out...

Payment Methods

What are the accepted payment methods?

AIT Worldwide Logistics accepts various payment methods including credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), electronic funds...

Warehousing & Distribution

Do you offer warehousing and distribution services?

Yes, AIT Worldwide Logistics offers comprehensive warehousing and distribution services. With our extensive global network and strategically...

Pickup Scheduling

Can I schedule a pickup for my shipment?

Yes, you can easily schedule a pickup for your shipment with AIT Worldwide Logistics. We understand the importance of convenience and...

Specialized Shipping Options

Does AIT Worldwide Logistics offer any specialized shipping options?

Yes, AIT Worldwide Logistics provides specialized shipping options to meet the unique needs of our customers. Whether you require temperature-controlled...

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