What are the options for loss mitigation at Washington Mutual?

Asked 7 months ago
At Washington Mutual, we understand that financial hardships can arise, and we are committed to helping our customers find viable solutions. We offer various options for loss mitigation to ensure borrowers can overcome difficulties and avoid foreclosure. These options include loan modification, where we can review and adjust the terms of your existing loan to make it more affordable. We also provide repayment plans, where you can work out a manageable payment schedule to catch up on missed payments. Additionally, we offer short sales, where you can sell your property for less than what is owed. Finally, for eligible borrowers, we may consider deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, where you can transfer the property to us to satisfy the debt. We encourage customers facing financial challenges to reach out to our dedicated loss mitigation team to explore these options and find the best solution for your specific situation.
Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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