Who are Ventas Inc.'s competitors?

Asked 7 months ago
Ventas Inc. operates in the highly competitive real estate investment trust (REIT) industry, and faces rivalry from several key competitors. Some of Ventas' primary competitors include Welltower Inc., HCP Inc., and Brookdale Senior Living Inc. Welltower Inc., formerly known as Health Care REIT, is one of the largest healthcare-focused REITs, with a diverse portfolio of senior housing, medical office buildings, and post-acute care facilities. HCP Inc. is another prominent healthcare REIT, specializing in senior housing, medical office buildings, and life science properties. As the nation's largest senior living operator, Brookdale Senior Living Inc. poses competition in the senior housing market. In essence, Ventas Inc. competes against other healthcare-focused REITs and senior living operators in its effort to be a leading provider of real estate investments in the healthcare sector.
Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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