What are the penalties for driving with a suspended license?

Asked 7 months ago
Driving with a suspended license in New York State entails severe penalties. If caught, you may face a misdemeanor charge, potentially resulting in a fine ranging from $200 to $500, or even imprisonment for up to 30 days. Additionally, your license suspension period may extend, leading to further restrictions. For cases involving repeated offenses within an 18-month period, penalties become even more severe. Subsequent violations are considered felonies, carrying potential fines up to $5,000 and imprisonment for up to four years. Moreover, driving with a suspended license might lead to increased insurance premiums, further affecting your finances. It is crucial to acknowledge the seriousness of this offense, obey the law, and refrain from driving until your license is reinstated to avoid these harsh penalties.
Adam Goldkamp is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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