What is the role of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD)?

Asked 7 months ago
The role of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) is to oversee the collection and administration of taxes in order to fund essential public services. As the government's tax authority in our country, the IRD is responsible for implementing and enforcing tax laws and regulations. It ensures that individuals and businesses accurately report their income, deductions, and liabilities, and promptly collects the appropriate taxes owed. The IRD also provides guidance and support to taxpayers, assisting them in understanding their tax obligations and fulfilling their responsibilities. Alongside tax collection, the IRD plays a crucial role in implementing government policies related to taxation, economic development, and social welfare. By efficiently managing tax revenue, the IRD contributes to the funding of public programs and services that benefit our society as a whole.
Jeff Whelpley is the editor / author responsible for this content.
Answered May 3, 2024

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