Pinnacle West Capital Corporation Customer FAQ

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What is Pinnacle West Capital Corporation's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Pinnacle West Capital Corporation customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What is the company's financial performance in recent years?

In recent years, Pinnacle West Capital Corporation has demonstrated a commendable financial performance. The company has consistently...
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What is Pinnacle West Capital Corporation?

Pinnacle West Capital Corporation is a publicly traded holding company, primarily involved in the energy sector. It operates through...

What services does Pinnacle West Capital Corporation provide?

Pinnacle West Capital Corporation provides utilities services primarily through its subsidiary, Arizona Public Service Company (APS)....

Stock Information

What is the current stock price of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation?

As an AI language model, I do not have real-time data access. However, to find the current stock price of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation,...

Does Pinnacle West Capital Corporation pay dividends?

Yes, Pinnacle West Capital Corporation pays dividends to its shareholders. As a leading energy holding company, Pinnacle West Capital...

Mission and Values

What is the company's mission statement?

Pinnacle West Capital Corporation's mission statement is to deliver clean, affordable, and reliable energy to its customers while promoting...

What is Pinnacle West Capital Corporation's commitment to sustainability?

Pinnacle West Capital Corporation is committed to sustainability by prioritizing environmental responsibility, social well-being, and...

Job Opportunities

Are there any job opportunities available at Pinnacle West Capital Corporation?

Yes, Pinnacle West Capital Corporation periodically offers job opportunities in various departments across the company. We have a commitment...


Where are the headquarters of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation located?

The headquarters of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation are located in Phoenix, Arizona. As a leading energy holding company, Pinnacle...


What is the history of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation?

Pinnacle West Capital Corporation, established in 1985, holds a rich history of being a predominant electric utility holding company...

Does Pinnacle West Capital Corporation have any subsidiaries?

Yes, Pinnacle West Capital Corporation does have subsidiaries. As a holding company, it operates through its principal subsidiary,...

Financial Performance

What is the company's financial performance in recent years?

In recent years, Pinnacle West Capital Corporation has demonstrated a commendable financial performance. The company has consistently...

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