Metropolitan Home Improvement Customer FAQ

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What is Metropolitan Home Improvement's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Metropolitan Home Improvement customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What is your policy on changes or modifications during the project?

At Metropolitan Home Improvement, we understand that changes or modifications may arise during the course of a project. Our policy...
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Services Offered

What types of home improvement services do you offer?

At Metropolitan Home Improvement, we offer a comprehensive range of home improvement services to cater to all your needs. Our experienced...


Do you provide free estimates for home improvement projects?

Yes, Metropolitan Home Improvement offers free estimates for all home improvement projects. We understand that budgeting is an important...

Company History

How long has Metropolitan Home Improvement been in business?

Metropolitan Home Improvement has been in business for over 20 years. Since our establishment, we have proudly served countless satisfied...

Contractor Credentials

Are your contractors licensed and insured?

Yes, all our contractors at Metropolitan Home Improvement are fully licensed and insured. We understand the importance of ensuring...

Financing Options

Do you offer any financing options for home improvement projects?

Yes, Metropolitan Home Improvement offers financing options for home improvement projects. We understand that not everyone has the...


Can you provide references or examples of past projects you have completed?

Yes, at Metropolitan Home Improvement, we are proud to provide references and examples of our past projects. We understand that seeing...

Project Process

What is your process for completing a home improvement project?

At Metropolitan Home Improvement, our process for completing a home improvement project is focused on delivering exceptional results First, we start with a consultation to understand our client's vision, needs, and budget. Our team of experienced professionals then works closely with the client to create a detailed plan, including design, materials, and timeline. Once the plan is finalized, we proceed with obtaining necessary permits and scheduling the project. Our skilled craftsmen and contractors then commence the construction, renovation, or installation phase, utilizing top-quality materials and adhering to the highest industry standards. Throughout the project, our dedicated project manager will oversee every aspect, ensuring effective communication, problem-solving, and timely progress updates. Finally, we conduct a thorough inspection to ensure quality, addressing any remaining concerns. We conclude the project with a final walkthrough and complete customer satisfaction. Our goal is to exceed expectations and create a beautifully improved home that our clients can enjoy for years to come....


Do you offer any warranties or guarantees for your work?

Yes, at Metropolitan Home Improvement, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality workmanship and exceeding customer expectations....

Service Areas

What areas do you provide home improvement services in?

Metropolitan Home Improvement proudly serves a wide range of areas, ensuring that homeowners can benefit from our exceptional home...

Project Timeline

How long does it typically take to complete a home improvement project?

The duration of a home improvement project with Metropolitan Home Improvement varies depending on the scope and complexity of the specific...

Budget and Timeline

Can you work with my specific budget and timeline?

Yes, at Metropolitan Home Improvement, we understand the importance of staying within your budget and timeline. We pride ourselves...

Change Policy

What is your policy on changes or modifications during the project?

At Metropolitan Home Improvement, we understand that changes or modifications may arise during the course of a project. Our policy...

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