
Lansdowne Resort Customer FAQ

Top Answers & How-to Guides

What is Lansdowne Resort's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Lansdowne Resort customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

What is the nearest airport to Lansdowne Resort?

The nearest airport to Lansdowne Resort is the Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD), located approximately 12 miles away....
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What amenities does Lansdowne Resort offer?

Lansdowne Resort offers a wide range of amenities to ensure a luxurious and unforgettable stay. Our resort features a championship...


Are pets allowed at Lansdowne Resort?

Yes, pets are allowed at Lansdowne Resort. We understand that pets are part of your family, and we welcome them to enjoy our resort...


Is there a cancellation policy for reservations at Lansdowne Resort?

Yes, there is a cancellation policy for reservations at Lansdowne Resort. We understand that plans can change, so if you need to cancel...


What types of rooms are available at Lansdowne Resort?

Lansdowne Resort offers a variety of rooms to suit every guest's needs. Our accommodations include luxurious guest rooms, spacious...

Special Packages

Do you offer any special packages or promotions?

Yes, at Lansdowne Resort we offer a range of special packages and promotions. Whether you are coming for a weekend getaway or planning...


What are the check-in and check-out times at Lansdowne Resort?

The check-in time at Lansdowne Resort is at 4:00 PM, while the check-out time is at 11:00 AM. We kindly ask our guests to adhere to...


Does Lansdowne Resort have a pool or fitness center?

Yes, Lansdowne Resort boasts a splendid array of amenities including a refreshing pool and a well-equipped fitness center. Our pool...


Is Wi-Fi available for guests at Lansdowne Resort?

Yes, Wi-Fi is available for all guests at Lansdowne Resort. We understand the importance of staying connected, so we provide complimentary...

Dining Options

Are there any dining options within the resort?

Yes, Lansdowne Resort offers a variety of dining options within the premises. Guests can enjoy a diverse culinary experience with three...

Shuttle Services

Does Lansdowne Resort provide shuttle services to nearby attractions?

Yes, Lansdowne Resort offers shuttle services to nearby attractions. As a convenient option for our guests, our complimentary shuttle...


Can I host a wedding or event at Lansdowne Resort?

Yes, Lansdowne Resort proudly offers exceptional venues for weddings and events. Our resort is renowned for its beautiful and idyllic...


What is the nearest airport to Lansdowne Resort?

The nearest airport to Lansdowne Resort is the Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD), located approximately 12 miles away....

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