Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International Customer FAQ

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What is Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International's Phone Number?

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Do you have any retail locations?

Yes, Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International operates several retail locations across different cities. We understand the importance...
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Product Information

What are Klassic Knishes?

Klassic Knishes are delicious traditional Jewish pastries originating from Eastern Europe. They are a savory treat made by wrapping...

Are the knishes suitable for vegetarians/vegans?

Yes, the knishes at Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International are suitable for vegetarians. Our knishes are carefully prepared without...

Do you offer gluten-free knishes?

At Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International, we understand the importance of catering to various dietary needs. Therefore, we are...

Purchase and Shipping

Where can I purchase Klassic Knishes?

You can purchase Klassic Knishes at various retailers and locations. Our delicious knishes are available at select grocery stores,...

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we do offer international shipping for our Klassic Knishes. At R.F. Bakery International, we understand that our delicious knishes...

Do you have any retail locations?

Yes, Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International operates several retail locations across different cities. We understand the importance...

Storage and Freezing

How long do the knishes stay fresh?

Our delicious knishes at Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International are best enjoyed when fresh. We take great pride in delivering However, please note that the exact freshness can vary depending on the specific type of knish. Our potato knishes, for example, tend to have a longer shelf life due to their hearty ingredients. We recommend storing them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place or refrigerating them for extended freshness. For the ultimate taste experience, we encourage you to indulge in our knishes within the first few days of purchase. Remember, freshly baked knishes always provide the most satisfying flavor and texture. So, don't wait too long to savor the delectable delights of our authentic Klassic Knishes!...

Can I freeze the knishes?

Yes, you can freeze our knishes. Freezing them is a convenient way to extend their shelf life without compromising their taste and...

Returns and Policies

What is your return/refund policy?

At Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International, we strive for customer satisfaction and take pride in our products. In the unlikely...

Ingredients and Quality

Are the knishes made with organic ingredients?

Yes, all our knishes at Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International are made with organic ingredients. We take pride in using high-quality,...

Custom Orders and Discounts

Do you offer bulk discounts?

Yes, we are pleased to offer bulk discounts at Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International. We appreciate larger orders and want to...

Can I place a custom order?

Yes, at Klassic Knishes - R.F. Bakery International, we gladly accept custom orders. We understand that our customers have unique preferences...

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