Kimco Realty Corporation Customer FAQ

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What is Kimco Realty Corporation's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Kimco Realty Corporation customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Does Kimco offer any leasing incentives or promotions?

Yes, Kimco Realty Corporation does offer leasing incentives and promotions to attract and retain tenants. These incentives and promotions...
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Company Overview

What is the history of Kimco Realty Corporation?

Kimco Realty Corporation is a prominent real estate investment trust (REIT) that has a rich history spanning several decades. Established...

Real Estate Portfolio

What is the geographic scope of Kimco's real estate portfolio?

Kimco Realty Corporation has a vast and diversified real estate portfolio with a significant geographic scope. Our portfolio encompasses...

How many properties does Kimco own or operate?

Kimco Realty Corporation owns and operates a vast portfolio of properties. With decades of experience, they have established themselves...

What types of properties does Kimco specialize in?

Kimco Realty Corporation specializes in a diverse range of properties. With over 60 years of experience, Kimco focuses primarily on...

Leasing Opportunities

Does Kimco offer leasing opportunities for small businesses?

Yes, Kimco Realty Corporation offers leasing opportunities specifically designed for small businesses. Recognizing the importance of...

Does Kimco offer any leasing incentives or promotions?

Yes, Kimco Realty Corporation does offer leasing incentives and promotions to attract and retain tenants. These incentives and promotions...

Sustainability and Environmental Focus

What is Kimco's sustainability and environmental focus?

Kimco Realty Corporation prioritizes sustainability and environmental practices as part of its core business strategy. With a strong...

Financial Information

Does Kimco provide financial reports or statements?

Yes, Kimco Realty Corporation provides financial reports and statements for investors and stakeholders. These reports contain comprehensive...

Does Kimco have a dividend distribution policy?

Yes, Kimco Realty Corporation has a dividend distribution policy in place. As a real estate investment trust (REIT), Kimco is legally...

Community Engagement

What is Kimco's approach to community engagement and philanthropy?

Kimco Realty Corporation has a strong commitment to community engagement and philanthropy. They believe that investing in local communities...

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