George Weston Ltd. Customer FAQ

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What is George Weston Ltd.'s Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to George Weston Ltd. customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Where can I find George Weston Ltd.'s annual reports and financial statements?

You can find George Weston Ltd.'s annual reports and financial statements on the company's official website. The website includes a...
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What is George Weston Ltd.?

George Weston Ltd. is a Canadian company primarily involved in the food industry. Established in 1882, it has grown to become one of...

When was George Weston Ltd. founded?

George Weston Ltd. was founded in 1882.

What are the main products or services offered by George Weston Ltd.?

George Weston Ltd. offers a diverse range of products and services. As a leading food processing and distribution company, it primarily...

Where is George Weston Ltd. headquartered?

George Weston Ltd. is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Its head office is located at 22 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario...

Where are the main operations of George Weston Ltd. located?

The main operations of George Weston Ltd. are primarily located in North America. The company has a strong presence in Canada and the...


What is the financial performance of George Weston Ltd.?

George Weston Ltd. maintains a strong financial performance, consistently striving for growth and value creation. As a leading Canadian...

Where can I find George Weston Ltd.'s annual reports and financial statements?

You can find George Weston Ltd.'s annual reports and financial statements on the company's official website. The website includes a...


Who are the key executives of George Weston Ltd.?

The key executives of George Weston Ltd. are: 1. Galen G. Weston: Executive Chairman and CEO. Galen Weston is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the company and overseeing its operations. 2. Richard Dufresne: Chief Financial Officer. Richard Dufresne is responsible for financial planning, reporting, and risk management. 3. Luc Mongeau: President, Loblaw Companies Limited. Luc Mongeau leads Loblaw, the retail division of George Weston Ltd., overseeing its various grocery store brands. 4. Sarah Davis: President, George Weston Limited. Sarah Davis is responsible for the overall management and operations of George Weston Limited. 5. Neal J. Houston: Chairman & CEO, Choice Properties REIT. Neal Houston leads Choice Properties Real Estate Investment Trust, overseeing its portfolio of retail properties. These key executives play crucial roles in guiding George Weston Ltd.'s business strategies, financial management, and operations across its diverse portfolio of businesses....


What is George Weston Ltd.'s approach to sustainability?

George Weston Ltd. is committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Our approach is multifaceted and encompasses various...


Does George Weston Ltd. have any job openings or career opportunities?

Yes, George Weston Ltd. offers various job openings and career opportunities across its diverse portfolio of businesses. As a leading...

CSR Initiatives

Does George Weston Ltd. have any corporate social responsibility initiatives?

Yes, George Weston Ltd. takes corporate social responsibility (CSR) seriously and has several initiatives in place. The company is...

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