Flowserve Corporation Customer FAQ

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What is Flowserve Corporation's Phone Number?

The question we are asked most often is about how to talk to Flowserve Corporation customer service. Click here for contact information, email and chat options, getting a live person, wait times and more.

Can Flowserve Corporation provide references or testimonials from satisfied customers?

Yes, Flowserve Corporation can provide references or testimonials from satisfied customers. We understand the importance of customer...
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Products and Services

What products and services does Flowserve Corporation offer?

Flowserve Corporation offers a wide range of products and services in the field of fluid motion and control. Their product portfolio...

Company Information

Where is Flowserve Corporation headquartered?

Flowserve Corporation is headquartered in Irving, Texas, United States. As a global leader in fluid motion and control, Flowserve has...

How long has Flowserve Corporation been in business?

Flowserve Corporation has been in business for over 200 years. The company's rich history can be traced back to its founding in 1790....

What industries does Flowserve Corporation serve?

Flowserve Corporation serves a wide range of industries across the globe. With its expertise in fluid motion control, the company caters...

Does Flowserve Corporation operate globally?

Yes, Flowserve Corporation operates globally. With a strong presence in over 55 countries, we have established a global network of...

Mission Statement

What is the company's mission statement?

Flowserve Corporation's mission statement is "to exceed customer expectations with unmatched solutions, quality, and value while fostering...

Financial Performance

What is the company's financial performance?

Flowserve Corporation has maintained a strong financial performance throughout its years of operation. The company consistently generates...


Does Flowserve Corporation offer warranties for its products?

Yes, Flowserve Corporation offers warranties for its products. The company strongly believes in the quality and durability of its products...

Sustainability Initiatives

Does Flowserve Corporation have any sustainability initiatives?

Yes, Flowserve Corporation has a strong commitment to sustainability. The company actively pursues various sustainability initiatives...

Quality Control

What is Flowserve Corporation's approach to quality control?

Flowserve Corporation is committed to delivering products and services of the highest quality. We have implemented a comprehensive...

Customer References

Can Flowserve Corporation provide references or testimonials from satisfied customers?

Yes, Flowserve Corporation can provide references or testimonials from satisfied customers. We understand the importance of customer...

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